Chapter 3: Tobias' POV

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^^Song for this chapter; Roses by The Chainsmokers feat. ROZES

(Time lapsed to 10 months later)
It's one week till the new initiates come. I have trained Tris to be more intimidating, purely so she can scare the initiates, as I did to her.
It is about 20 to 12 and I am walking slowly towards Tris' apartment. I am supposed to meet her at 12, but at the rate I am going it will be at least 12:15 by the time I get there.
I finally arrive and see Tris in a tight black tank top that shows of her raven tattoo, on her collar bone, her knife pants and combat boots.
"What took you?" She asks.
"Oh, you know. Just buying a present for my favourite seventeen-year-old" I say, and she blushes.
"Aw, stop messing with me!" She says
"I'm not." I say, handing her the present. She hugs me with her skinny arms and takes the present. She opens the door to her apartment letting me in first. I walk in and wait, I move from my heels to the balls of my feet and back again. I walk to the black leather couch and sit, then Tris walks into the room and stands in front of me and looks at me insistently, I pat my lap to say that she can sit, and she does. She unravels the paper from around the gift, and smiles when she sees what it is: a beautiful necklace with a gold chain and in silver word saying 'Tris'.
"You shouldn't have. This would have cost you heaps!" She says
"I shouldn't have, but I wanted to! And yes, it costed heaps!, but you were worth every cent!" I say
She turned around, I knew what she wanted me to do, so I took the necklace from her and clip it up at the back. She turns so she is facing me again and rests her head on my chest, I tilt her head up with my fingertips under her chin, and she blushes. I lean in and kiss her with passion and love.
A/N hey hope u enjoy!!
Bella xx
Be brave 😜😘😝

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