Chapter 24

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Song for this chapter; 7 years by Lukas Graham

April's POV

I am at school with my friends, we are in faction career class. It's our final day in this class so we were supposed to bring our parents in. No matter what faction you were in, they had to talk about there jobs. I am the only one without both parents here. I just have my dad. He loves me but he rarely looks me in the eyes. He avoids looking at me or talking to me when it isn't necessary. I understand though. I remind him to much of my mum. His true love.

"April? Where's your mum?" Ms Canrow asks me.
"Oh um. She's.... Dead. Well I mean like... She's been missing since I was born... So I assume..."
"Oh. April I wasn't aware. I'm so sorry. What was her name?"
"Tris. Tris Prior. She was from Dauntless." 
"Did your father forget to tell you something?" A sharp, stern voice says from the doorway.
All heads turn, confused as to what is happening.
But then I notice, my dads friends parents perk up, Peter, Lynn, Marlene, Uriah, Will, Christina, Shauna and Zeke.
"Stiff?" Peter asks
Then she walks in. Her grey eyes like mine. Same long, slim nose as mine. She is beautiful. She doesn't have the same dark hair as me, it's a dull blonde.
I look at my dad, his eyes are wide, staring at the lady who just walked in the door.
"T-Tris?" My father says, sounding awestruck.
He slowly walks over to her, carefully as if she's a wild beast, untamed and ready too pounce.
"I-I you scared me. I thought you were dead."
"I was scared. I had to leave. I couldn't do it." She says.
"Well maybe now we can live a happy life together. As a family. You, April and I?"
"I would love that."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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