Chapter 14

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^^Song for this chapter; No sense by justin Beiber

Tobias' POV

"how is that possible?" I ask
"Well... When two people love each other very much they" she starts but I interrupt her.
"I know how babies are made" I say
"I mean how. You have Tris' dad and my mum. That means Tris and I are... We can't be dating... We share some of the same genes. This can't be happening."
I say feeling shattered on the inside.
"Oh my gosh! I didn't know that! So I am now both yours and Tris' younger sister. I can't believe this. I knew I was just a mistake." She sobs.
Right now as much as I want to hate her I just can't. I pull her to my chest and she nuzzles her head into now with tears streaming off of her read face onto my shirt.
"Hey. Hey. It's okay. I know this is confronting for you too. I just found out that my girlfriend is my half sister. I found out that I had a younger sister who was 16 years old I didn't even know about her." I tried to say sympathetically. Main word being emphasised in that is 'tried'. I just feel like crap now. Why does life always push me down just after I stood up. It doesn't make any sense.
"There is a knock at my door. I stand to go answer it. I see Tris standing there tears in her eyes and a tear stained face.
"I have to tell you something Tobias..." She says
"So do I" I say

Tris POV

"So do I" he says
"Ok you first" he adds


Give credit above to my Justin Bieber Fourtris Photo edit

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