Chapter 15

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^^Song for this chapter; keep talking by Cyrus

Tobias POV

"Tobias..." She says "I'm pregnant!"
What if I'm like Marcus? You won't be.
"Tris this truly is wonderful but... But... We are half siblings" I say.
"What are you talking about?" She asks confusion etching its way across her delicate face.
"Jessabell... She is.... Andrew Prior and Evelyn Jonhson's daughter... She links our genes forever. In weird ways that normal people wouldn't know. I took advance Bio Science at upper levels of school. At birth... They inject you with chemicals and serums that have now put Andrew's genes in my DNA system and Evelyn's in yours. Even though she is not your mum nor Andrew my dad, it accesses our unique genetic codes. This could harm the baby's genes. What are we gonna do?" I point out
"This is to much. Tobias. Why did this have to happen?" She says
Just then Jessabell walks to the door. Tris go to wrap her hands around Jessabell's throat. I hold Tris back. Picking her up and placing her over my shoulder. She doesn't say or do anything except squirm to get into a more comfortable position. I walk to my room and place her on the bed. She just sits there. Her legs crossed. Staring at the wall. I walk out and go to the cafeteria to get her a muffin. I Bring her back a blueberry muffin and grab a glass of water for the kitchen. I take it into my room and place it in my bedside table and kiss Tris on the forehead and walk out closing the bedroom door behind me.

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Signing out... Bella xx

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