Chapter 20

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Song for the chapter; not about Angels by Birdy

Tris' POV

At 4:46am, June the 4th, April Rey Eaton was brought into the world.
She did not come into a place where any family was. Only me.
For this I am sorry. Not for me. Or for Tobias.
But for April.
It has been eight and a half months since I ran away.
Tobias never found me.
I knew he looked for me though. He still is looking for me. I watch him every day. Wondering around Chicago aimlessly looking for details of my disappearance.
I am at the Bureau of Genetic Welfare.
I was found after I left Chicago.
A group of people, in big trucks.
They took me to the Bureau and said it could be my new safe haven.
So I took the opportunity. I was assigned a job as the head assistant for the Governor; David.
After every shift, I would go into the control room to watch Tobias.

I am awoken from my thoughts by the sound of a small yawn escaping April's lips. Her grey eyes being revealed by her fluttering eyelids.
Her dark wispy hair sitting gently on her forehead.
Most people would find this combination, unappealing or unattractive in every way. Not me. The light, natural blush settled upon her pasty white skin. Her small button nose. Every feature about just makes her so beautiful.
I hope for her to one day meet her father.
Follow me on Instagram; fourtris_serum and thenameisringer thedivergentseriesaustralia
Signing out... Bella xx

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