Ch. 15

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My friend Jordan knows my Wattpad Name. I told him specifically NOT to read chapter 12 of this book. Him being a dumbass read it and now he is telling my friends Nyleigh and Yacine some things that aren't true. He said that I was like "And Mitch came on his face." so I punched him and said "Bitch that is not what I said stop lying." So chefjojo if you are reading this... Stop fucking lying on me I will fight you.

(Sorry for ranting. Without further adorn by Miguel)


"Come on Mitch. Let's apologize to your Mom so we can fix Scomiche and I can go home and go back to sleep." Kirstie said and pulled him to the front door.

"Ok let's go."

They both walked in Kirstie first then Mitch. Kirstie went to get three bottles of water and went upstairs. Nel looked at Mitch and Mitch looked at Nel.

"I'm sorry for saying bite me and I'm sorry for slamming your door Momma Hoying." He apologized

"It's alright." they both said.

"Why did you slam the door?" Connie asked.

"Well... Me and Scott are having problems. That's why Kirstie is here. He was kissing someone else and yeah..."

"This is why you should date a female." Mike said shaking his head.

"Females are way worse. No offense Mom and Momma Hoying but most girls at my school are whores."

"Hey!!!!" Kirstie yelled from upstairs.

"I said most not you Kirstie." Mitch yelled. "Now can I go upstairs?"

"Yes. I hope your relationship stays strong." Momma Hoying said and Nel nods

"Oh with Kirstie as our counselor then yeah we will get back together... Hopefully." With that Mitch ran upstairs.

(I'm gonna Do talking like this: Bold is Kirstie italicized is Mitch underlined is Scott This Will make my part easier sorry if you get confused. Typing without any font is Just me the author telling you what happens.)

Mitch walked in the room where Scott was on a chair there was One next to him and Kirstie was in the One in front of him. Mitch sat down in the extra chair.

Ok so what's the problem? Mitch you start.

Well I was in the car waiting on Scott on his phone. Keep in mind, he knew I was on his phone he knew. I asked him to unlock it he said the code was my Birthday. But I was on it going through our messages and he got One from this number and it said that the person had fun Monday and wanted to do it again Wednesday then sent a picture of them kissing. He said he was busy Monday and that's why he couldn't come over. I thought he was with family but now I know what he was doing.

Ok and Scott why did you do that?

Well I went out that's what I told Mitch but I guess he didn't hear me. But I went out with my old friend Jake. We went to his house with some of his other friends. One if his friends was over 21 so he brought drinks and so I might have gotten drunk... But some guy came up to me and started asking me questions. He asked me if I had a boyfriend or girlfriend and I said boyfriend then he kissed me and someone took a picture I tried to pull away before someone could but I was too late I guess.

Ok question. Why couldn't you Just say that in the first place instead of making a big deal?

Honestly... I don't know.

Mitch rolled his eyes and got up to use the bathroom. When he got back Kirstie asked him to take a seat again cause they was far from done.

Ok so I really love that you guys are together. So I want y'all to say sorry. Mitch say sorry for snapping and Scott say sorry for kissing someone else and for not telling him the truth. Tomorrow we are gonna go shopping and y'all better be all happy and holding hands Scott, Mitch better be asking you to get on your back and better say yes. That's the old Scomiche. I'm leaving cause I'm tired bye.

Bye Kirstie thank you.

Yeah thanks Kirstie.

You're welcome bye.

(End of the session.)

Kirstie walked out the room and out the house. Scott and Mitch just stood there staring at each other.

"I'm sorry." they both said and then started laughing.

"It's Ok Scottney. But you could have told me. I would have forgiven you and we wouldn't have to have gone through this. Oh and the next time you go with friends I'm going."

Scott laughed and hugged Mitch. "I'm sorry you can go with me next time too we are hanging out again tomorrow." Mitch nodded agreeing to go and kissed Scott.

"Awwwwww I knew Kirstie would fix this." Momma Hoying said standing at the door.

Scott and Mitch pulled back really fast cause they got scared. "Oh my gosh mom you scared me." Scott said holding his chest.

"Me too." Mitch said and flopped on the bed. "I'm tired." Mitch whined.

"Then go to sleep love. Bye mom." Scott said and layed on the bed.

"Bye guys. Dinner Will be downstairs when you're ready." she said to no one cause they were already sleep.

Connie shut the door and walked downstairs.

"I don't want them sleeping in the same bed." Mike said with crossed arms.

"Mike. Leave him alone. Could you drop us off home Connie? Dinner was wonderful by the way." Nel said and slapped Mikes arm.

"Yes let me get my jacket it cold out there." they walked outside and on the door step was a package. Connie opened it and it was a whole bunch if pictures of Scott kissing that other boy.

Well... SCOMICHE IS REAL!!!!!! Sorry Sup3rfruit does that to me lmao. But yup I updated. Happy Birthday to anyone who's Birthday is today love ya love bugs

*blows kiss* *sings* Goodbyeeee *sings Sup3rfruit outro*

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