Part 1: The Group and The Room

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As we begin this fictinal story we see Fabian,Ryan and Jada starting a new school year in 9th grade and is finally experincing what it mean to be a teenager.

( In front of the school)

Fabian: Mom everyone here looks like their 14.

Fabian's Mom(Laura): so what if your 13 your finally becoming a little man.

Fabian: they look to big and I'm usually shy.

Laura: hey look if you don't like this school then we will go back to Florida. ok?

Fabian: ok.

Laura: love you.

Fabian: love you too.

( At the back of the parking lot)
Jada: ok I'm going off to school bye dad.

Jada's dad(Craig) : your not even scared?

Jada: C'mon dad you know I'm fearless I love you.

Craig: mmhmm

(Jada scoffs)

(Ryan is going to school by himself because he has no parents anymore)

Sally: Christy and Joseph c'mon the camera won't wait forever.

Both: We are coming.

(Fabian is rushing to find his class and bumps into them taking their picture)

Sally: hey watch it newbie.

Joseph: C'mon boo he is a new kid.

Sally: I don't care c'mon let's go.

Christy: It was not that big of a deal.

Fabian: Thank You

Christy: For what?

Fabian: For not being just a rude person.

Christy: Yeah well I'm nice to cute people.

( Fabian blushes)
Fabian: uhhh ok( In a love tone)

Christy: I got to bounce but see you.

Fabian: I didn't quite get your name.

Christy: Christy!

(In his first classroom)
Jada: This is the room I guess.

( As Mr.Smith walks in the room he is looking l arouns the room and is talking to himself. But the way how he is talking to himself it is almost as he is talking to someone else.)

Mr.Smith: Ok class I'm mr.................Shut up! no u cannot go to my house. It is a sacred place. Uhhhh right so I'm mr. smith and I am your history teacher.

(As he is talking)

Fabian: Hey ryan that is your name right?

Ryan: What's it to you?

Fabian: I just want to know if you want to sneak into mr. Smith's house.

Ryan: Why in the world would I wanna do that?

Jada: Because he is intrigued just like me by the way I am down to see what is he hiding.

Ryan: What's in it for me?

Fabian: I don't know maybe you will get clarity.

Ryan: wat?

Fabian: Are You in or are you out?

Ryan: eh I have no parents.

(After school)

Fabian: is everyone here?

Jada: there is only three of us.

Ryan: What are we waiting for?

(All walk in and sees on the wall some very disturbing things)

Jada: That's disgusting and it looks like he is not even living by himself and he does not have a wife.

Fabian: I'll go check upstairs.

Ryan: we will all go there is nothing down here.

(1 hour later)

Jada: we need to go there is nothing here and mr.smith can be back any second.

Ryan: But I think I just found something.

Fabian: hmmmm 1234546576879809

Ryan: Let's just go.

Fabian: No these could mean something.

Ryan: Like what?

Fabian: I don't know.

Jada: Mr. Smith is back!

Ryan: What!!!!!!

Jada: He is back!!!!!!!!

Fabian: What should we do?

Ryan: Hide!!!

( Ryan runs but trips)

Mr.Smith: Who here? Smitty is that you?

Ryan: (thinking) Smitty?

( jada and ryan but fabian found a hiding spot)

(fabian tries to run but bumps into the wall then a big noise happened.)

Mr.Smith: Oh no the machine I have to go fix it.

( then a button came out that said....Go? )

(Then fabian pushed it and it took him somwhere)

Fabian: this is deja vu.

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