Part 11: The 388 Word Kiss

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Mr smith: How are we going to make Christy go along with our plan?

Mr.Smith A : That is for you to find out.

Mr.smith: (Sighs)

(real world)

Jamie: ok I think i got the hang of it.

Ryan: How could you be so sure.

Jada : Yeah I mean its not like you can be casting spells everywhere.

Fabian: (gasps) wait a minute!

Ryan: What?

Fabian: How did Jamie know where Ryan lived.

Jamie: Hmm? Come again?

Fabian: How did you know where he lived.

Jamie: Mom told me.

Fabian: How did she tell you if she was dead.

Jamie: How did you know that?!

Ryan: aha! And Yeah how did you know that?

Jada: I always knew that Jamie was a fraud.

Fabian: To be honest I don't know how I know.

Jada: well that makes no sense.

Jamie: Yeah it does.

Fabian: Speaking of which has anyone seen Christy?

Jada: Didn't we tell you that she said she had to go?

Fabian: Yeah but i don't remember her telling me about it.

Ryan: How ? You were right there.

(all sigh except for Jamie)

(Jamie Flashed to the park)

Jada: How did she do that she doesn't even know how to make a apple appear!

Fabian: Unless if she was FAKING IT THE WHOLE TIME!

Ryan: We got to find her!

Jada: Well your the one with the powers!

Ryan: Oh yeah!

(Ryan flashes everyone to the park)

Fabian: There she is! (Pointing to Jamie as she runs into the distance)

(misty place)

Christy: The lark tree? I don't see any trees in here.

Voice: Look into the mist.

(as Christy squints she sees a silhouette of the tree )

(Christy is sent back to the real world)

Christy: Whoa!

Ryan: go on guys i will catch up.

(Fabian gives a mad look to christy and leaves)

Ryan: hey christy.

Christy: Hey Ryan.

(Ryan goes closer then kisses Christy)

Fabian: OH wait Ryan.........................................

(Fabian sees Ryan kissing Christy)

Christy: Fabian it is not what it looks like.

(Ryan stays silent because he know what it looks like)

Fabian : Why?

(He goes over to Ryan And Punches him in the face)

(Christy gasps)

Fabian: Some friend you are. I am sorry. no i am not. Yes i am. WHAT IS GOING ON WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christy: I Think I know and That red moon is coming closer and closer

Ryan: Moon?

Christy: Nothing!

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