Part 17: The Sadness Thrown Around

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(Next morning) 

Sally: Ugh It is still so bad outside do you have some extra towels so I can take a shower? 

Fabian: Yeah I do have some towels but where are you going to get some clothes? 

Sally: I will ask my mom! 

Joseph: Ask my mom to Boo! 

Sally: OK 

Fabian: Ryan? Jada? what about you guys? 

(Ryan winks at Fabian) 

Fabian: Oh Yeah! 

Laura: So Robert what is on the menu for breakfast? 

Robert: Your asking me like I know. 

Laura: Aren't you making breakfast for these adorable children? 

Joseph: Don't call me adorable please. 

Robert: They can have frozen waffles. 

Ryan: I am going to check on Tokalika. 

Fabian: You know Ryan that is your mom. 

Ryan: Not to me. 


Sally: (sing-songy voice) Awkward! 

Jada: I am going to take a shower. 

(in basement) 

Christy: OK if I got in here then I can get out.  But I don't know how I got In here. (sees A portrait of her mom) Why is my mom In Fabian's house? 

Voice: Like I said you will know all in good Time and now that time has come. 

Christy: Well? 

Voice: First I have to tell you something. 

Christy: Yes? 

Voice: Hello Daughter. 

Christy: Dad? 


Fabian A: It has been to long since we have Tried to Kill Fabian what are we going to do? 

Mr.Smith: Well- 

Fabian A: NO! You always tried to get him but you  never did your just some useless portal creator. 

Mr.Smith: What? 

Ryan A: Just Leave It is like you do not even care for Fabian A! 

Mr.Smith: But I was the one created the machine in the first place!

Mr.Smith A: I think you better just leave. 

Mr.Smith: Smitty?! 

Mr.Smith A: Eddie Just go!  


Mr.Smith: Now what am I supposed to do? 

(Fabian's house) 

Ryan: Hey. Hey! Wake Up! 

Tokalika: Ah yes Ryan my son. (squeals) 

Ryan: Really? 

Tokalika: Sorry I am just so happy to see you again. 

Ryan: why are you here? 

Tokalika: To see you of course. 

Ryan: Your my mom Right? 

Tokalika: Yes! 

Ryan: Well Tokalika- 

(slaps her) 

Tokalika: Ow! What was that for! 

(Ryan turns around)

Tokalika: Hey I am talking to you. 

(turns Ryan Around) 

(Sees Ryan crying) 

Tokalika: Why are you letting out salty water from your eye holes? 

Ryan: (sniffles) My What? 

Tokalika: Sorry I am not Familiar with this planets language. 

Ryan: Your speaking it! 

(tokalika looks down) 

(Ryan starts to cry again) 

Ryan: Where were you! 

Tokalika: What? 

Ryan: I am 16 in the 9th grade I live in a hut without not electricity or plumbing  I barely even lived when I got thrown out from out the orphanage. 

(Tokalika Starts to cry) 

Tokalika: I am sorry that happened but- 

Ryan: Stop It! What were you doing in space anyways? 

Tokalika: Looking for you! 

Ryan: I WAS NEVER IN SPACE TELL ME THE TRUTH! I have no friends because of you I have nothing because of you. The only thing I have was my...............never mind. 

(both stop crying) 

Tokalika: OK I was actually looking for you because the W government took you away and I wanted to get you back so I have been looking for them Like in forever. 

Ryan: then how did I get here before you? You know what for get this. 


Christy's dad(Nikeon): Hey christy. 

Christy: Explain!

Nikeon: OK well your Picture is here because your protecting the lark tree which is Fabian. 

Christy: Wait. 

Nikeon: What? 

Christy: Fabian is a tree? 

(Part 18:The Orphanage/New Members

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