Part 33:The End??? Part 2

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Fabian: Grow up man!

Joseph: Shut up!

Jada: Where did she go?!

Jamie: I think she said that she is going to be at mr.smith"s house.

Kyle and Lauren: Not before us!

Christy: Lets go!

(mr.smith's backyard)

Fabian: What is the plan?

Ryan: Huh that is weird.

Fabian: What is?

Ryan: You usually come up with the plans and your asking us what is the plan.

Fabian: Well I don"t have my powers so.....

Kyle: But I do!

Fabian:(rolls eyes)

(ryan looks across the street and sees a boy and a girl that look like kevin and nina)

Lauren: Ok me and Jamie and Kyle are going to in and try to see what iis going on with sally.

Jada: Okay we will just wit out here.

Fabian: Got it Team?

All(except ryan): GOT IT!

Kyle: Lets go!(turns invisible)

Fabian: Woah! That is your power?

Kyle: Yeah!

Lauren: (turns into a cat)

Jada: Awwwwwwwwww.

(go inside)

Ryan: NIna?!

Jada: What did you say?

(Runs over to them)

Ryan:Nina! Kevin!

Kevin: Ryan?!

Nina: Oh my gosh!

(all hug)

Ryan: Kevin how have you been bro?

Kevin: Great you?

Ryan: You dont wanna know.

(both laugh)

(Ryan turns to Nina)

Ryan: Hey

Nina: Hey

Ryan: Hey Nina can I ask you something?

Nina: Yea-

Kevin: Guess what Nina and I are dating!

Nina: Yea isnt it great!

Ryan: (feeling down) Yea its fantastic!

Kevin: We;; we gotta go but we would really like to talk more what is your number?

Ryan: Uhhh you seee.......I.....uh..

Nina: (laughs) come on spit it out.

Ryan: (embarrassed) I dont have a cell phone.

Kevin: Why dont you just ask your step mom.

Ryan: (Silent)

Kevin: What about your step dad?

(ryan stays silent)

Nina: You did not get adopted did you?

Kevin: How have you been surviving man?

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