Part 29: The Secret

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Sally: So how exactly do we get to the next world? 

Jamie: Well maybe if you do the dance again. 

Christy: Look! It is Fabian! And Mr.smith? 

Jamie: What!? 

Jada: Yeah look they are over- 

(gets hit by a rock) 

Jada: Sally!

Joseph: That was not her. 

Jada: Then who was it? 

Sally: And Ryan is over there! 

Jamie: Uhh I don't think that is them. 

Sally: Sure it is. Hey Fabian! 

(does not wave back) 

Jada: Well that was rude. 

Jamie: We need to go. 

Jada: But- 

Jamie: Now!

Joseph: Sally we need to do the dance. 

(does dance) 

(portal opens) 

Joseph: OK now let's get outta here! 

(all walk in)


(Fabian is running but stops to catch his breath) 

Ryan A: Psst! 

Fabian: Stay away from me! 

(moves Ryan A to the wall) 

Ryan A: Stop wait! 

(Fabian Stops) 

Fabian: What do you want from me? 

Ryan A: I need you to touch me. 

Fabian: Run that by me again? 

Ryan A: Just trust me we don't have ample time to waist. 

Fabian: I'll touch you shoulder weirdo. 

(touches shoulders) 

Fabian: Nothing Hap- 

(gasps and closes eyes and sees Ryan getting killed) 

(Fabian Exhales) 

Fabian: What was that? 

Ryan A: Did you see? 

Fabian: Of course I saw! What are you? 

Ryan A: What Am I? That was your own power. You have the power of time you can see back in time and in front of time or freeze it. But you knew that. 

Fabian: But Ryan how can someone hurt him like that? 

Ryan A: It was your clone. 

Fabian: MY what! NO your wrong if he was my clone he knows deep down that he would not hurt Fabian in that way. 

Ryan A: Just trust me you need to go back and save Ryan from getting killed.  

Fabian: I will try. 

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