Part 18: The Orphanage/New Members

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(in living room) 

(Ryan comes in)  

Fabian: Are you OK? 

Ryan: Why wouldn't I be? 

Sally: we heard everything. 

Ryan: You guys overheard? 

Jada: Sorry. 

(silence for about 3 minutes) 

Sally: So do you want to talk about it? 

Jamie: Sally! 

Sally: What! Don't yell at me little girl! 

Jamie: Whatever. 

Ryan: It's ok. Well if you guys want to know it started in the orange orphanage.  I did not know how I got there but all I remember was that I was there. In the orphanage there was two of my closest friends.  

Fabian: Who are they? 

Ryan: Kevin and Nina. 


Ryan: Come on guys! 

(runs to backyard) 

Nina: Your running to fast!

Kevin: Exactly

Ryan: Whatever.  

Counselor: Time for lunch! 

(Ryan and Nina bumps into Sasha)

Sasha: Ow! 

Ryan and Nina: Sorry. 

Counselor: That is not nice. 

(the next day) 

Ryan: I am so bored.

Kevin: Right! 

Nina: What do you wan to do? 

Ryan: I want to have fun. 

(runs around orphanage with Nina Kevin) 

Counselor: Nina! Kevin! Come here please! 

Both: OK! 

Counselor: These two people want to adopt you! 

Both: Really! 

Counselor: Yes. 

Nina: Oh wait. 

Counselor: what? 

Nina: We should tell Ryan. 

Kevin: We should shouldn't we? 

Nina: yes. 

Ryan: so what did  she call you for. 

Nina: Ummm 

Ryan: It was probably nothing important. 

Kevin: we are going away. 

Ryan: oh you guys are going on a field trip? 

Kevin: Yes but- 

Ryan: Lucky. 

Kevin: This time we are not coming back. 

Ryan: (depressed) What? 

Nina: We have two parents who want to adopt us.

Ryan: The same parents? 

Nina: No they are neighbors.......At least I think so. 

Kevin: Isn't this great? 

Ryan: Yes.

Nina: Well I guess this is goodbye. 

(Nina starts to cry) 

Ryan: What is wrong? 

Nina: It is just that we have been through a lot and now you are  going to stay here while we have step parents. 

Ryan: And then  I am not going to have a parent and I am going to have no friends then I am going to get kicked out- 

Kevin: Ryan. 

Ryan: -and then  I am going to live on the streets and then I am going to die of hunger! DO YOU REALLY WANT THAT FOR ME! 

Kevin: of course not. 

Ryan: Then why are you leaving me?  

(out of flashback) 

Ryan: And that is all I remember. 

Sally: Wow. 

Fabian: I know Right! 

Sally: No I mean that this little group is not weird after all. '

Jada: What are you saying? 

Sally: I want In. 

(Fabian Freezes time) 

Fabian: OK what is going on? 

Ryan: I think sally wants to be in the group. 

Fabian: Should we let her. 

(time  unfreezes) 

Ryan : (tone descending) Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Sally: No what? 

Fabian: Your in and Joseph too but just the beginning. 

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