Part 16: The "Get Together"/The Red Ship?

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Jada: Fabian! Can't you move that thing away with your powers?! 

Fabian: I  don't know let me try. 

Jamie: Oh boy. 

(Fabian Tries to move the moon) 

Ryan: I think that actually brought the moon closer. 

Jamie: nickinoodles! 

Jada: What did you call me? 

Ryan: She said nickinoodles. 

Jada: Was i talking to you? 

Ryan: Listen here-

Fabian: That is not the task at hand!

Jamie: We need help.

 Jada: well your a guardian so. 

 Jamie and Ryan: what? 

Fabian: A guardian? 

Ryan: For who? 

(misty place)

Christy: Hey why am I here?! 

Voice: you had to leave. 

Christy: why? 

Voice: I can't tell you. 

Christy: and why not? 

Voice: Because I just can't. 

Christy: Show me who you are! 

Voice: all in good time my dear. 

Christy: can you at least tell me where we are? 

Voice: Like I said before all in good time. 


(Fabian's house) 

Laura: Robert do you see that red thing coming. 

Robert : Yeah. So? 

Laura: It is a moon right? 

Robert: that is not a moon. 

Laura: How do you know? 

Robert: Because moons do not have windows and rockets. 

(group barges in) 

Fabian: Mom it has gotten to rough out there so can my friends stay over  a little while?

 Laura: if it is good with their parents. 

Ryan: Guess I can stay. 

Fabian: you guys call your parents. 

Jamie: Guess I can stay too. 

Fabian: hmmmmmmmmmmm i do not know. 

(crash happens in basement) 

Ryan: Fabian what was that. 

Jada: My parents said I can stay. 

(door gets knocked) 

Fabian: who is it? 

Sally: It is me and Joseph 

Joseph: hey 

Fabian: why should I let you in you were so mean to me. 

Sally: Please?

Fabian: fine you can both stay. 

Joseph: thank you. 

(in basement) 

Christy: Ow! That man in that place is really rude. Where am I?  (she walks around then hears people talking) 

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