Part 14: Jamie's Backstory

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(unfreezes time) 

Jada: Wow Jamie you see this ? 

Jamie: Fabian what did you do? 

Fabian: I did nothing.  

Ryan: do you mind if  I ask you a deep question Jamie? 

Jamie: Yes! 

Ryan: Ok i don't care so why did you get frozen? 

Jamie : What?

Ryan: Fabian's Power is not strong enough yet to freeze Witches. 

Jamie: Uhhhhh. 

Jada: Jamie? 

Jamie: Ok I am about to say something that is very true. 

Ryan: OK. 

Jamie: So I  was a witch but then I lost my powers. 

Ryan: How? 

Jamie: Well- 

Fabian: She probably was a bad witch. 

Jada: I think the w government just does not like her. 

Jamie: NO! So before I was so rudely interrupted-

Fabian: Sorry. 

Jamie: Shut up! Now anyways I lost my powers because my team lost the M games and since I was the worst person ever on the team they took away my powers. So I was so devastated so I was determined to find a way to get powers. Then I heard of the enchanted pond and it gave you powers for 12 hours. When I first got there I did not know what to do so I dipped my hand in and then it started to sparkle. So  then I took about a 10 minute shower and I have never ran out magic I do not know why. 

Ryan: oh.

Jamie: So what are we going to do about the gravity. 

Jada: I think that can wait unit the next part.  

Ryan: Wait we Can't 

Jada: Too late!

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