How He Proposes

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Harry: You were at Harry's funeral bawling your eyes out when he sprung to life and started screaming your name frantically.
"Y/N! Y/N! HAGRID WHERE IS SHE? IS SHE ALRIGHT??" Harry screamed at Hagrid until he saw you and ran over stumbling with tears in his eyes.
"I need to ask you this question before I have any chance of loosing you. I love you and I want to ask you to marry me?" He said in front of everyone and you started crying. Even harder than before. You nodded your head frantically and hugged him as he stood up, sobbing into his shoulder.

Ron: You were spending Christmas at the borrow and you and Mrs. Weasley were talking about you and Ron.
"So hun, how is it with you and Ron? I heard from Georgie that you guys were fighting a bit." Mrs. Weasley said in a sympathetic tone.
"Well Molly, Ron and I have been bickering but he's been very distant lately. I don't know if he cares anymore or if he's planning something." You replied. She nodded and you helped her set the table. Ron and the others walked in and as Ron passed you he kissed your cheek. You smiled. He hasn't done that in ages.
After dinner, Ron had everyone come outside with him and the front yard was decorated with faire lights and they were in your favorite color, blue. (A/N: Just pretend it's your favorite. It's the first color that came to mind so ☺️) After looking at all the lights, you looked back to Ron and was on one knee holding a red velvet box.
"I've been very distant lately but only because I was planning this and trying to make it special. I love you more than life itself and I don't know what I would do without you and I have to ask you to marry me. So.....will you marry me?" He said with a big goofy grin on his face. You were so happy. You screamed yes and hugged him for the longest time. It felt like you were the only two people in the world.

Draco: You and Draco were sitting in your apartment that you shared. You both were watching Beauty and The Beast while you were snuggled up against him. He was fiddling with your hand. You felt something cold on it and when you looked down there was a shiny diamond looking back at you. You looked at Draco in disbelief.
   "Hey you wanna marry me?" He said casually as he smiled looking into to your eyes. You nodded and snuggled into him more. He was going to be the perfect addition to your family. You kissed him on the cheek and held his hand, never wanting to let go.

Fred: You were fighting off Bellatrix when a hand grabbed your side and took off running with you. The hand belonged to your boyfriend, Fred. You were wondering why he had brought you inside.
  "Fred let me go back and beat Bella. She needs to be stopped." You said struggling to get out of his grip.
  "I need to ask you a question before either, or both, of us die. Y/F/N Y/L/N will you do the honor in marrying me?" He asked with a cute small smile on his face. You nodded and kissed him full on the lips. Later that day, Fred was killed by an explosion. You cried over his dead body as your ring shined from the light of the moon.

George: You were talking with Ginny as you walked with her and her children through Diagon Alley. You all stopped in Weasley's Wizard Wheezes to see how your boyfriend of 3 years, George was doing at work this morning. James was looking at Love Potions, Albus was looking at the joke candy, while Lily stayed by you and Ginny, her wanting to see her Uncle George.
  "Y/N! Over here!" You heard George shout from the other side of the store.  You ran over to him and wrapped your arms around him in a hug. He started to act a little nervous as you might call it, but he denied it when you asked him.
  "Y/N, do you want to marry me?" He said with a little bit of tension in his voice.
  "YES GEORGE OF COURSE!!" You practically screamed while hugging him laughing.

Neville: You and Neville worked together at Hogwarts. He was the Herbology teacher and you were the Potions teacher. You guys sat next to each other during meals and enjoyed talking to Hagrid about the creatures he was showing the students that day. One day during your potions class you had with the 7th years, Neville walked in and pull you out into the hallway.
   "Hey. Um I'm kinda teaching a cla-"
   "Will you marry me? Please..." Neville interrupted. You smiled a huge smile and grabbed his hand nodding yes. You walked back into your class in a very good mood.

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