He Finds Out You Self Harm/ Are Depressed/ An Insomniac

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Harry: You were sitting in the library when Harry walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around you. He kissed your cheek and sat down in the seat next to you. You smiled a little (fake) smile and looked at him.
"Hey...." You said looking into his big green eyes. You could tell he knew something was off. He took your hand, let you gather your belongings, and dragged you along to the common room.
"Whats the matter babe?" Harry asked you when you got to the common room. You just shrugged and didn't look him in the eyes.
"I've been feeling kind of...um...depressed lately and I'm just not in the mood anymore.." You said tears threatening to fall from your eyes. Harry hugged you for what seemed like years.
"Come on. Let's go for a walk." He said smiling at you.

Ron: You were trying to find a long sleeve shirt in your bag while staying at the Weasley's because you didn't want them to see your scars. You had been hiding them from Ron for 3 years and he never questioned you about it. You obviously never wanted him to find out or you would've told him.
"(y/n) are you okay?" Ron said knocking on the door.
"I'm fine." You said walking out the door with a smile on your face. He nodded and grabbed your hand. You had helped Mrs.Weasley set the table, and you hadn't noticed that your sleeve rolled up when you grabbed the cups from then high cabinet revealing your scars and even some fresher cuts. You felt the coldness as it rolled up, quickly pulling it down. You knew someone had saw but you just hoped it wasn't Ron.
*After Dinner*
Ron had asked you to go for a walk after dinner which you gladly accepted.
"Um...earlier I saw these marks on your wrist..." Ron said with hesitation in his voice. You nodded and explained your story to him, while crying your heart out. He said that he would stay with you through thick and thin, and you appreciated that.

Draco: You were sitting in the Great Hall while staring at your hands. It was very early in the morning, about 2am and you couldn't sleep, (like you ever did.) You snuck down to the Great Hall knowing that if no one found out, no one would expect you were here this early. The only person that knew about this was Dumbledore and that's how you planned it to stay. You didn't hear the Great Hall door open but then you heard ominous footsteps, worried it was Filch. You turned around slowly and saw that it was your boyfriend, Draco. You gave him a soft smile and gestured for him to sit down beside you. He instantly intertwined his hand with yours.
   "Why are you out here so early doll? I personally couldn't sleep so I decided to wander around a bit." Draco said in his charming voice.
You knew you couldn't keep your insomnia a secret forever.
"Well...um...ya see, I have insomnia which makes it a bit harder for me to sleep...at all really. I don't know why I was so scared to tell you...I-I just didn't want you to know." You remarked, tears falling slowly and your hand strangling Draco's hand. He hugged you, assuring you that he'd never leave you for any reason.

Fred: You had gotten into a pretty bad fight with Fred. He called you a "depressed bitch" because you were upset that day. You left the room after that moment and Fred knew he had messed up. He ran around the entire campus looking for you. Everyone he asked didn't know where you were. You had hid by a tree near the Black Lake, the place you went to when you were upset. Fred figured you'd be around there somewhere and sprinted over. You were crying silently, so no one would hear. Had someone told Fred about your depression? Or was it just a total guess? You heard screams of your name getting closer and you knew it was Fred.
"I'm sorry! I didn't know that you actually were!" He yelled out of breath. You said that you were still a bit upset and that you'd forgive him soon.

George: You and George were sitting next to each other in the Gryffindor Common Room couch. He started rubbing your thigh, irritating your cuts. You looked down and you saw blood on your jeans from him rubbing them so much. You told him you were going to the bathroom and you went to your best friend dorm's bathroom to clean up the blood. You had to scrub it of your jeans and you were taking a long time.
  "(Y/n) are you alright love?" George asked knocking on the door.
  You panicked. "Hmm" you said. Trying to get the blood out of your jeans faster. You were worried because you had to get a new pair of jeans. You had to ask George.
  "G-George? Can you go to my dorm and get me a new pair of leggings?" You asked a bit embarrassed.
  "Sure but darling? I saw the blood from your thigh and I would like to talk about...when your ready honestly. I'm not mad, I an just scared for you." He replied in his soothing voice.

Neville: You were sitting at your house table and people were pushing you around, taunting you. You had had enough and you really were getting sick of it. You've been dealing with this for 5 years. You got up and ran from the Great Hall, crying. Neville saw you and ran to you. You ran to the courtyard sitting down by a tree. Neville had notified Professor Lupin and they both ran out to look for you. They saw you sitting alone, head in your hands.
   "Neville, I know it's you." You managed to get out in between cries. He grabbed you and hugged you and told you he'd never let you go. From then on he had you sit with him at lunch, to save you from becoming depressed ever again.

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