Your Lives With A Family

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  Harry: You both have well paying jobs and three children. They all attend Hogwarts and are very famous, like Harry was, among the other students. You and Harry are very happy and couldn't be more in love. 

   Ron: You and Ron have had a few bumps in your relationship, but have been able to successfully work them out. Your guys' children attend Hogwarts along with the Potter children and they are all very good friends and support one another. Even though Ron can be an ignoramus, you still love him a lot and he loves you. 

   Draco: He has been exceptionally happy since he separated himself from the toxic relationship he had with his parents. However, his mother, still tries to associate herself with her grandchild. Your son, Scorpio, goes to Hogwarts with the others and has taken a strange liking to a Potter child, much to your husband's dismay. Draco is very loving and is starting to annoy you with all the times he tells you he loves you. 

   Fred: {Freddy Boy isn't dead in this} Fred was the most overprotective parent and husband that you have ever seen. He's always making sure your daughters are safe and is sending them letters every week, trying to stay in their lives. As for you, he always wants you by his side and doesn't want you to go anywhere without telling him. It's very annoying, yet you have to admit you appreciate how much he cares about you and your family. 

   George: God, is he a cuddler. When your kids were littler, he would always be the one to rock your kids to sleep and cuddle them. George was very warm and the kids still love hugs from their father. You love his hugs, too. He also loves all of unconditionally. The kids are his life and you are so in love with the way he treats everyone. 

   Neville: He works at Hogwarts, so he's with your older son, heightening their relationship. You are home with the younger kids until they went off to school. You loved being able to send letters to both your son and husband, but missed having them around. Christmas was always a happy time because everyone was together and love was being spread drastically. 


HI!!!! I wanted to let you guys now that I appreciate all of the support in a preference! I know it's not very good (I haven't done one in over a year) but I felt like you guys would enjoy this. Thank you for supporting me and for some of you being friends with me <3. Have an amazing Christmas and 2018. 

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