He Finds Out Your Pregnant

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Harry: You were walking out of the doctor's office in complete shock. The brisk cold hit you in the face like a bulldozer as you made your way to your car. How would Harry react? Would he be upset? A bunch of stupid questions ran through your mind on the way back home. Opening the door, you were greeted by your cat, Minka. You were relieved to find that Harry wasn't home yet but you were still nervous to tell him.
Whilst you were cooking dinner, Harry came home from work, kissed you on the cheek, blah blah blah normal couple stuff. He noticed you were a bit uneasy about something but dismissed it and decided to ask you about it later. He set the table as you put the food on the table.
"(Y/N) are you alright?" Harry asked with a little tension in his voice.
"Well...I'm pregnant. Other than that everything's fine." You said bluntly, not noticing you said it until you did. Harry dropped his fork onto is plate and a clang rang through the room. He smiled from ear to ear. He jumped up giving you a giant hug.

Ron: You went to the store to get some pregnancy tests. You weren't sure but you decided to check anyway. The clerk rung your things up quickly, sending you on your way. Getting home, you were smothered by the dog you a Ron shared. Pushing him off, you went up to the bathroom. The shock on your face when the test read positive was impossibly alarming. You didn't know how you'd tell Ron. The stress was too much for you to handle. You walked to the living room sitting down on the couch waiting for Ron to come home. He marched through the doorway but instantly stopped when he saw you.
  "Love, what's the matter?" Ron asked very concerned. You came right out and told him how you were afraid of losing him because you were pregnant. He was very jovial and said he would never leave you.

Draco: You and Draco were staying at Malfoy Manor for the week due to your house being renovated because of a giant hole in your roof. To Draco's ignorance, you had been having lots of morning sickness. You didn't think anything of it until the 3rd day where you had a conversation with Narcissa. She swore she wouldn't tell anyone about it until you were ready. The day you and Draco were going back home, you decided to get the whole family together, including your brother, Harry. As soon as you announced you were pregnant, Draco sat up abruptly, wearing a look of disbelief.

Fred: You two sadly never had kids due to him passing during the war. Wow I just cried writing that ok.

George: He had come with you to the doctor for your yearly check up. Both of you were kinda hoping you were pregnant. You had been married for 2 years and had been eager to have a kid for a while. The fact that you could be pregnant always made you a little uneasy, but made you want skip through fields. George had always wanted a son. That hadn't changed since he was in 2nd year. The doctor called you from behind the counter and you filled out some paperwork. George had to sign a piece of paper that proved that he was your husband and not some uncle or anything. Waling to the ultrasound room, you became very fidgety and nervously played with your hands. They took a test that proved you were pregnant. You and George celebrated by going out to dinner.

Neville: You have been feeling really sick lately and haven't had the motivation to do anything. Neville has been riding about you being pregnant when you obviously weren't. You finally grated his wish of having you go to the doctor and get it checked out. Turns out you've beeb pregnant for 3 MONTHS! You were in so much shock, that it's been 3 months and that Neville was right. He gave you an I-told-you-do look when you told him later that day. None the less, he was very excited to be a dad.

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