CHAPTER 2: Policeman?

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Zayn's P.O.V.

I sighed as I climbed into my car. It was a rough day at work today, from 7 AM until almost 3 PM. I should go home and start my researches for our new project, I have to keep basic details about it in my mind so that I am able to help my colleagues.

Just as I started driving, my phone started to ring. I picked it up, and stared at the ID that read "Mom".

"Hello." I answered, starting the engine.

"Hey, Zayn." She said with her sweet voice, and continued. "I called you to make sure you pass by the grocery shop and -"

"Yes, mom. I remember that I should go to the grocery shop. Don't worry" I assured her, even though it was a lie. I forgot that I should pass by the store, but I know if I told mom she'll say, "Oh, okay. Leave it for the next time, son." , even if it was urgent.

"Okay, honey. Take care." She hung up, leaving me with no choice but to ignore my tiredness and drive to the shop.

Just as I arrived, I was searching for a place to park my Range Rover but I couldn't find. After a few minutes of searching, I spotted a car leaving and rushed there to park my car. But that's what I thought I will do. Instead, a crazy girl, who was running and pushing her cart in rush, bumped to the front of my car. Due to force of my car and the cart, the girl almost flew back a few feet collapsing to the ground. I quickly jumped out of my car, and rushed to the girl crounching on the floor.

"You okay?" Was all I could say. I kneeled down beside her, and saw tears stinging her cheeks. I kept staring at her, unable to pick my eyes off of her. It was like a force was making me stare at her, to see how beautiful she really is. She looked so angelic, and quiet.

It took her a while to respond, but she softly mumbled a "Yeah." later. And she started to pick up some stuff that fell from her purse. I started helping her, until I was disturbed by her voice again.
"Disappointed?" She asked, standing up.

"Excuse me?" I stood up too, confused. What was she talking about?

"You wanted to kill me, but it failed. Am I right?" She snapped, brushing off the dirt of her clothes. Just now I realised her clothes, and was trying my best not to grimace. She is one of those girls..

"If you can't drive, why in hell are you sitting inside a car and driving?" She interrupted my thoughts. At first, I was too shocked and couldn't find the right words to reply. But then again, you could say she is one of those girls from her style of dressing.

"If you can't walk, why don't you just sit back home?" I replied, my voice rising a little bit. I don't want to cause a scene here, but I can't stop myself. She was getting to my nerves already.

"If you don't know how to speak to a girl, why don't you shut up?" She replied, this time more irritated and mad.

"Look here, no one has ever spoken to me this way. So plea-" She cut me off midway through my sentence, grabbing something from my hand. This something was an electricshock weapon. Shit.

"This is used by girls, to protect themselves from guys like you." She pointed it at me, and then kneeled down turning her back to me and packed up her stuff that fell randomly out of her purse. I shook my head, and started walking away. Except to hear her blabbering more words, which caused me to stop and just listen to her.

"I was so much happier back in New York, why in hell did I come here?" She was talking to herself, and continued. "Here," she chuckled, "here is just for people judging you and boys annoying girls and-"

"Guys wouldn't annoy you or dare to look at you in a bad way if you were not wearing revealing clothes and makeup. Guys wouldn't annoy you if you walked, eyes glued to the floor." I cut her off, walking back towards her and making it clear that what she thinks was so wrong.

"Why do guys have to blame ladies for every mistake? Even defending herslef would be a mistake in their eyes." She growled lowly, but in a cute way-What am I thinking of right now?

"They don't blame ladies. And oh, if you were happier in New York, then why did you come here?" I said boldly raising a brow and crossing my hands over my chest.

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are to tell me where I should stay? Policeman??" She freaked out,and before she could continue saying useless words, I cut her off.

"I am Zayn Malik." I said, way too formal. She faked a shocked expression, and gasped. Then, went back to the boring expression she had plastered on her face while talking to me.

"Well, good for you. I am Bella." She faked a smile, grabbed her purse and stuff, then turned around walking away. And I did the same, but in the opposite direction, never looking back.

Could anyone be more annoying than her? Funny how at first I thought she was a timid, quiet girl; but in fact, she seems to never shut up and she is way too rude. Her parents must've raised her in a wrong way.

I went to the market, grabbing the list mom has given me before I left to my work.

As I arrived home, I saw mom and Waliyha preparing lunch. I placed the stuff I bought on the counter, and went to my room without uttering a word. I locked the door, and skipped to my bathroom. As I took off my clothes, I turned on the hot water getting into the bathtub and closing my eyes to relax. How could that girl be so rude to me? Who does she think she is?

When I went out to the dining room, I realised I interrupted both mom's and Waliyha's conversation together and they just stared at me.

"You're okay, Zayn?" Mom asked, concerned about my attitude when I arrived home.

"Yes, mom, I am fine. Was just in a bad mood, now I am better." I nodded, assuring her that I was fine.

But actually, I was annoyed from many things not just this girl. I was supposed to meet Zaidan today but I couldn't. Also my work is not helping me be in a good mood. But I couldn't just get mom worried over me for such silly stuff. I know this won't be too long ( hiding the reason I was in a bad mood ) because I have never hid anything from mom.





( Number of words: 1218 )

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