Chapter 8: That Day

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Bella's POV

I was touring around the city, which was really interesting. I've been wandering around since about 3 days, every day leaving home after breakfast. I love discovering new stuff. And this is getting really interesting since I just realised how similar Bradford is to India, one of my favourite countries that I want to visit. It really feels like I'm not in London anymore. You could feel the Indian culture in the air of the city; I've realized from the past days how I don't see girls out at night, how they wear a sari, how they speak Indian. Yesterday, I was in some mall and I saw how the shops' themes are Indian-like. And maybe that's the reason people find me weird, I'm not like that at all. I don't wear a sari, I don't speak Indian at all, I go out whenever I want and alone. Maybe they all hate me and see me rude because I follow none of their traditions. But that's wrong, and I would like to change their minds, and I will. I have to prove to them all that just because I am not like them, it doesn't mean when I pass by they murmur to one another stuff about me. I don't really care what they think but I just want to help them to the right path.

Right now, I am in some theatre and watching some Indian dance ceremony which is really cool. I've always liked the way they dressed and danced, and who knows, maybe now that I am in Bradford I will learn how to dance just like them.


I walked in to the strangely quiet house. No one was in the living room or the bedrooms, so I went to the kitchen to see my sister. She was sitting there with George on the kitchen island, both not uttering a sound. My body shivered in fear, and I couldn't control my breathing rate. My sister's face suddenly broke to a smile and I could see her eyes lighting up, but with the look on George's face I could tell it's something bad.

"Bella." She launched forward and hugged me tightly. "I have a surprise for you." She pulled away and her soft hands cupped my cheeks, tears filling her eyes. "My baby is all grown up."

"What's going on?" I blurted out, wondering if they could hear my heartbeats already.

"Darling, you're getting married!" She smiled brightly at me and I feel all numb to even blink. Did I really just hear that? Oh my God, no. No way.

However, feeling dizzy didn't help me utter a sound. I was feeling reaply weak at the moment and confused.

"Aren't you happy?" She asked me.

Really? Happy? Why so? Because I'm getting married to someone I don't even know their name, yeah I'm very happy. I wish I could just say that, but I just stumble to my room amd lock the door. Jumping to my bed, I curl up in a ball and cry. And cry. And cry until I fell asleep.


It's been a week since everything in my life changed, and today is my wedding. Yes, this is day in which my life will really change. I tried telling my sister that I can't and I don't want, but every time I saw how her eyes shined in happiness I couldn't help but feel bad. She said this is good for me and that I'm in need for this because I will have a family and forget about my past. But that's not true at all, you can forget your past if you wang but I don't. I need to find out about my past, about my father's sudden disappearance, about my mother's death that I don't even remember how. After that, I want to fall in love and get married. I don't want to be like others here, those who follow old traditions. They choose the groom for their daughter and arrange their marriage. That's not right at all, this is really depressing for a girl. But they don't appreciate what a girl is and who she is, that's what I've noticed from my few days here, they just care about their reputation.

Anyway, I'm too late now to do anything. I'm in the hotel room gettong ready. Joumana, the hairstylist, is doing my hair up in some fancy bun. My makeup is done already, and I just have my dress to get on once she's done with my hair.

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