Chapter 6: Ops!

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Zaidan's POV

My gaze was locked with Saif's, and let me tell you how scary that is. Actually, it's none of his business how or when I knew! I won't be some cunt and just listen to his orders of not seeing or talking to my brother so HE is happy.

"I was touring around the city, and I saw those jerks beating him up. I couldn't just pass by and act as if I never saw a thing, when in reality he's my brother whether all of you like it or not. " I scoffed, grabbing some tissues and wiping the sweat on my neck.

Just as I am about to leave the room, Saif speaks again.

"Remember when I told you before that too much freedom spoils the kids? Do you see what I meant?" I stop dead in my tracks, and turn around to see that he's talking to dad. The jerk! I clench my fists tightly as he starts speaking once again, "What you planted in the past, is what you're harvesting now. You spoil-"

I can't take anymore, so I speak up to at least calm down and not punch him.

"Look, I didn't go to meet him. I was passing by and I saw the scene, I couldn't stand and watch him okay?" My voice was shakey from how angry I am, but I'm trying to hold myself together.

"Why not?" Saif glares at me, waiting for an answer.

"Because he is my brother. The same blood is running through our veins. And whether you like it or not, again I say, this is the truth." I spit rather rudely, but I don't care at the moment.

"I don't blame him," he shakes his head at dad. "It's not his fault that you didn't know how to raise him to be a good guy." He says, through gritted teeth.

Dad doesn't say a thing, so he takes the chance to continue.

"Isn't it enough that I took care of your family when you couldn't, now I also have to fix your son's mistakes?"

"No one asked you to do so." I roll my eyes, and turn on my heel leaving the room.

Grandma followed after me, calling my name but I don't respond.

"Zaidan, I'm talking to you." She closes my room's door, and crosses her hands staring at me. She isn't mad, nor irritated and I'm glad.

"Ma, please don't try to explain what happened out there. I did nothing wrong!"

"I know, Zaidan. I know." She sighs and grabs my hands grabbing me to my bed as we both sat down.

"But when you do something right in the wrong way, it'll look wrong. You didn't have to be rude to him. You can prove him wrong without yelling. I'm glad you're standing by Zayn's side. I love tge bonding between you both, but it won't be fixed this way. Am I right?" I look down, kind of ashamed of the way I just acted. But then again, I had the right.

"I know, but do you expect me to just shut up and take in all the shit he says?Who does he think ge is to tell what to do and what not to? Do you think he has the right? Of course not! I mean, what's with his mind I see my brother, Zayn, whenever I feel like it. But I know why this is all happening. It's all because of dad." I point at the door, and she stares at me confused. Sge says nothing, waiting for me to continue.
"God gave him everything, everyrhing but a mind to think of." Her eyes widen, but I continue never caring about what's coming out of my mouth.

"I won't ever be a coward like dad, because I am not their slave. I am even ashamed to call him dad in front of people. No dad would sh-" Before I could complete, I feel a sting across my cheek indicating that she just slapped me.

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