CHAPTER 1: My New Life

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Bella's P.O.V.

"Arabella!" I heard my sister call from downstairs, loud enough for me to hear. Why can't I just sleep? Why do I have to wake up early even after college? I sigh and sit up lazily in my bed, taking a look around my room. I still am not used to this place, I just came yesterday. Altough here it feels more like home, I still miss my mini apartment back in New York. But yet again, I had to come find my dad.

Ignoring whatever she was blabbering downstairs, I stood up and headed to my bathroom. Just as I saw my reflection in the mirror, I gasped and took a step back. Is that me? Why does my hair look like a mushroom? I strip out of my loose pyjama and hop into the bathtub. Grabbing a random shampoo bottle labeled by Clear, I poured some to my hand. Oh wait, this isn't my shampoo! What if my hair starts to- a knock on the door disturbs my thoughts.

"Arabella, quickly! You should help me prepare the breakfast for George! I don't want him late to his work." I heard my sister call through the door. I roll my eyes and start massaging my scalp in a quick motion. Does she really think I could help in kitchen? Oh my God, she should know that by making me help her in the kitchen she is playing with fire. I sigh and then started rinsing my hair.

Later after I was done showering, which took like 30 minutes, I went out of the bathroom with my towel wrapped around my body. Oh, boi! Now we can have a fresh start of a new day. I giggled to myself and went to get my clothes out of my unpacked bag. Hmm..what should I wear? I started digging through my bags, in which I ended up with a hold of my denim shorts and a pink sweater. I got my matching pink flats on, and tied my dark, long hair in a high ponytail.

Then, I grabbed my mascara and lip gloss. While putting my mascara on, I got distracted by a knock on the door. Oh, no! I forgot my sister's request. God help me. I quickly finished my last touches, and rushed opening the door. My sister stood there with her hands on her hips, one of her feet tapping against the floor, and a scowl on her face.

"Good morning, to the most beautiful sister!" I smiled widely. She took a look at my outfit, shaking her head in disapproval. I heard her mumble something but didn't catch the words.

"Pardon me?" I asked, making it clear that I didn't hear what she was saying.

"Nothing, nothing. Good morning, honey! What took you so long?" I know she can't stand being mad at me for a long time. I mean come on, who could be mad at a girl like me? She then rolled her eyes, knowing the answer to her question. "Anyway, I made you a sandwich. Go eat your breakfast. I will be in my room if you want anything." She smiled and walked of to her room, and I went downstairs.

After I was done eating my sandwich, I stood up going to the living room. Turning on the tv, I sat on the couch flipping through the channels. It's boring, nothing to watch. What should I do now? I don't like sitting home and doing nothing but saying I am bored. Then, I decided I could go for grocery shopping. I need to get some stuff that Martina and George don't get. I thought I should inform my sister better than her going like a madman and thinking I got kidnapped.

I walked in to her room and she was cleaning the mess around. I don't know how she will stand me living with her. She hates total mess, but the thing is that I am a total mess. I picked up a pillow from the floor and placed it on her bed. At first she flinched, shocked to see someone in her room; but then she remembered me being here. I giggled and she just playfully glared at me.

"Why would you enter my room, without uttering a single sound to inform me you are here?!" She asked, motioning her hands in the air and pretending to be mad.

"Why is the room so messy? What was going on in here?" I smirked at her, and crossed my hands over my chest waiting for an answer.

"What's going on? Nothing was going on." She giggled nervously.

"Am I missing something?" I winked at my older sister.

"Not what you are thinking. You may think this is stupid, but George and I were having a pillow fight!" She laughed louder now, blushing a little. "We sound like kids." She shook her head, still laughing.I laughed at how childish she finds it all.

"So, umm.." I cleared my throat. "I'm going to the market nearby, to get some stuff."

"Yeah. Take care and don-" She stopped when she looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You should change your clothes, Bella." She emphasized the world should, making it clear enough that I should obey her words. But why? What is wrong with my clothes.

I guess my confusion was pretty clear on my face, because she continued with the reason.

"Because here, in Bradford, people judge you from your clothes."

"And is that right? Do you think it is?" I asked, kind of annoyed but tried not to make it clear.

"No, it's not right. But here they are hard to understand."

"I never cared for what people think of me, and I never will. I'll see you later." I rushed to my room and grabbed my purse from yesterday and left.

This is so annoying, I don't like how people behave. All over the world, people judge girls from their clothes. If she wore something too short, she is a freaking slut. If she wore something too long, she is a prude. What in hell is this? Do they think by judging girls and hurting their feelings with their words, they are doing the right thing? They should know they are totally wrong. I shake my head to get rid of the thought, and continue walking. As I put my sunglasses on, I hear a whistle from behind. I roll my eyes and turn around to see a tall guy,leaning against the wall. Holding his cigarette in his hand, the other hand in his pocket. I gave him a disgusted look, and turned again walking away. Boys are the reason girls are judged.

As I was walking, I noticed people staring at me like I am some alien. I decided to ignore the negative idea in my head, and said it's because I am new in town.


So, this is a fan fiction and I hope its clear =) Not everything I write in here is true! I had to change some characteristics in Zayn, so he could fit in the story! I hope no one is offensed by this part that speaks about people judging by looks :)

(btw sorry for tlkin a lot ;))


( Number of words: 1268 )

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