Chapter 14

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It was a few days before tieonnas funeral and it was finally the day that they let reyshawn leave the hospital and go home with the lucky new parent and the God parents.

"well guys thank you for everything that you guys have done for me over the time and I am so happy that I have people like you in my life. there are some secrets that I have never told you guys but I promise that sooner than later things will soon be understood and you guys will understand why I did everything that I have told you from day one. But dead ass guys I want you all to know that everything is going to be okay." Reggie spoke with a few heart filled words.

"Listen Reggie you don't have to worry about anything as long me and zay are here you guys will always be good and trust and believe when the babies get here all of our kids will be bestfriends like we have always been and like tieonna would have completely wanted us to be I love you and my godson bro bro and trust and believe me when I say that."

The nurse came in with the discharge papers for the baby and she foiled them in on what they had to do to take care of the baby and do everything necessary to ensure that the baby didn't end back up in the predicament that he was in. They all thanked the nurse and they dressed the baby and prepared him in the car seat for the ride home

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