A Good Man Goes To War

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10,369 words later, and here's two of them: you're welcome.

I admit it. The blow up on my profile was unnecessary, but seriously guys, I have no specific schedule I run on Wattpad. The only schedule I have is that I go in order of J, Caly, and Alice, and that's it. School comes before Wattpad, especially in my junior year, which is why I rarely updated last week.

Anyway . . . how many old faces return to fight at Demons Run, and what does Bad Wolf mean in the language of the Forest? Oh, and her theme up there ^^ is perfect for the battle at the end. It's part of why I chose it for Three's theme.

Lots of effort went into this, and backtracking through previous stories. So . . . enjoy "A Good Man Goes To War!"


Amy smiled down, tears in her eyes as she gazed upon her newborn daughter, the young girl crying slightly. "I wish I could tell you that you'll be loved, that you'll be safe and cared for and protected," she said, looking over her shoulder. The Bad Wolf, ever since she'd awoken, had been under strict watch, as the guards were unaware of the Metacrisis's effects. So far, the woman had been unresponsive to their attempts to get her to talk. Most of the time, attempts had ended up with broken bones, the occasional knockout, and the Bad Wolf being sedated. She could see it now; the Bad Wolf was shaking slightly, but she still stood at strict military position, the only thing blocking Amy and her daughter, Melody, off from the men. She was clad only in a thin-strapped shirt and shorts, but she was more intimidating than all of the men combined. "But this isn't a time for lies. What you are going to be, Melody, is very, very brave."

The eye patch lady, Madame Kovarian, stepped forward, but the Bad Wolf stepped up to meet her. Kovarian glared at the silent woman, but then switched her gaze to Amy. "Two minutes," she said.

Amy didn't acknowledge her. "But not as brave as they'll have to be," she continued. "Because there's someone coming. I don't know where he is, or what he's doing, but trust me, he's on his way."


"Intruder, level nine," a Cyberman said as the Cyberships flew through space.

"Seal level nine," the CyberLeader answered.

As the Cybermen stomped past, a figure with a long red cloak strode past one door. On the other side, a hand warping with dark gold orange energy under the skin held a sonic screwdriver to the controls, deadlocking them.


"There's a man who's never going to let us down, and not even an army can get in the way," Amy continued.

Madame Kovarian stepped forward, arms outstretched, and the Bad Wolf finally moved more than just her feet. She socked Kovarian squarely in the jaw, the woman falling away. The guards moved to intercept, but she snap kicked one rifle out of a guard's hands, then shot a blast of the Aether at the other three approaching. She turned to block the others -

The men aimed, and three blow darts hit their marks. The Bad Wolf stumbled backwards, her eyes flaring dark white gold, whimpering as she sank to the floor, her skin shimmering the same color. "No!" Amy sobbed as Kovarian stormed forward, practically ripping Melody from her arms. "No, just leave them alone! Please, leave them! Leave them!"


"Intruder, level eleven," the announcement continued.

"Seal levels twelve, thirteen, and fourteen."

"Intruder, level fifteen."

The woman's hand, gloved in black leather, slipped a drive into the unit by the door, and one by one, communications went down. A shadowed man, equipped in the same black leather, joined her in striding through the corridors as the ship began to shake.

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