Humany Wumany Christmas

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Rubbish title, but it fits, so . . . yeah. :P


Someone knocked on the door, and Amy groaned loudly. "Argh!" She grabbed her water pistol and marched towards the door. "If that is more carol singers, I have a water pistol! You don't want to be all wet on a night like this!" She swung open the door and squirted.

The Bad Wolf winced and reached up, wiping water out of her eye. "OK," she said slowly, looking behind her as the Doctor closed the door to the TARDIS. "How long?"

Amy stared incredulously at them before saying, "Two years?"

The Bad Wolf cringed again when she was squirted three more times. "Yeah, probably deserve that."

"Yes, you do," Amy nodded, fiddling with the pistol. "So . . . definitely not dead, then."

"And a Happy New Year!" the Doctor bounded up with a grin. "What did I miss?"

"Two years," the Bad Wolf answered.

His grin froze. "Ah."

Amy sniffed, inspecting her pistol. "Well, I'm not going to hug first."

The Doctor lifted his head. "Nor am I."

"I will," the Bad Wolf volunteered.

Amy finally laughed and hugged her tightly. "Mr. Pond!" she called before hugging the Doctor. "FitzSimmons! Guess who's coming for dinner?"

Rory was the first to the door, and his eyes brightened. "Bad Wolf!" he cheered, hugging her. "Doctor! Definitely not dead!"

"We've done that," Amy giggled.

"Jessie!" Jemma ran up, Fitz following behind. "Doctor!"

"Hello!" the Bad Wolf grinned, going to hug her friends.

"We're about to have Christmas dinner," Amy told the Time Lords. "Joining us?"

"If it's no trouble," the Doctor shrugged.

"There're places set for you," Rory nodded.

"But, you didn't know we were coming," the Bad Wolf frowned. "It was meant to be a surprise."

"Why would you set us places?" the Doctor pitched in.

"Oh, because we always do," Amy smirked, squirting him this time. "It's Christmas, you morons!"

"Come on," Rory clapped him on the back and headed inside.

The Doctor paused, feeling his face. The Bad Wolf grinned and nudged him. "Happy tears," she smiled. "Humany wumany."

"Humany wumany," he agreed before pulling her inside.


Currently, the four companions were staring at the Time Lords. "You're joking," Rory finally said.

"Not at all," Jessie giggled, the Doctor nearly as red as his bow tie.

"I don't believe it," Fitz shook his head. "I just don't."

"You better," Jessie looked at the Doctor, shaking in laughter as he glared at her.

"That was so stupid!" Jemma stared at him.

"That's what I was about to tell him!" Jessie nodded.

"Doctor, why on Earth did you try to jump into a hammock?" Amy finally asked him, making Jessie laugh hysterically. She'd been doing that a lot recently. "You should've known you wouldn't make it into it!"

"Yes, yes, I'm well aware of that now," the Doctor scowled at his wife. "I should've seen it coming."

"Yes, you should've," Jessie giggled.

"Well, at least I know now."

"No, hang on, something I still don't understand," Fitz held up a finger. "Fairyland is real?"

"Yes," the Doctor nodded. "And it looked completely different from where we were."

"That's it," Rory held up his hands. "I'm done. Everything I know is false. There really is a Fairyland."

Amy laughed at him, then Jemma cleared her throat. "Doctor? Jessie?"

"Yeah?" Jessie looked at her. "Would this have to do with leaving the TARDIS?"

The Doctor nearly choked on his drink. "Well, yes," Jemma cringed.

"Could've guessed," Jessie smiled. "You joined up right after Utah, and just so happened to be pestering me about if I was fine every second of the day. You wanted to stop Lake Silencio from happening."

"Busted," Fitz mumbled.

"Well, thanks for trying," the Doctor smiled. "SHIELD probably needs you now more than ever, too."

"Yeah," Jemma nodded. "We need to help out more."

"Fine by me," Jessie said. "Do what you need to do."

"Back to the four of us, then?" Rory asked.

"The old team!" the Doctor grinned.

"Merry Humany Wumany Christmas," Jessie grinned, holding up her wine goblet.

"Merry Christmas," the others opted to say, clinking their glasses together, then drinking.

Jessie immediately choked, putting a hand over her mouth, but she managed to swallow. The Doctor, on the other hand, spat his drink back into his goblet. "Water?" Amy asked with a smirk.

"Please," Jessie sputtered.

Rory burst out laughing as Amy stood to get the pitcher. The Time Lords just grinned at each other.

Yes, everything was back to normal again.


Just the epilogue left!

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