Chapter 10

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I pull the breathing mask off as i wake up, my eye lids barely open. The drip in my left hand itches as i go to pull it out.

"Don't." Dad orders as he takes my hand away.

"I hate hospitals." I whine.

"No one likes hospitals." He points out.

"What happened to the man?" I ask.

Dad shifts on his feet, i notice a cut on his lip. He sighs and looks over at me, his face flooding with guilt.

"The police took him."

"What about Zeke?"

"He's being checked over by a nurse, he was shaking."

"Is he okay?" I question.

"He's fine, just scared i think."

"Did you give him the memory stick?"

"Of course not." He laughs. I hear a knock on the door and Captain marches in, wearing his suit and his shield on his back.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, just shaken up." I admit, smiling slightly. The pain is small but the drugs are starting to wear off.

"Dad, do you have a mirror?" I ask.

"Yeah, but i need it to touch up my lipstick," He teases. "No, i don't. I'll get one for you." He marches out, followed by Captain.

I sit there, trying to ignore the pain that travels through my body. Zeke appears at the door.

"Is your dad here?" He asks

"No, why?"

"He wouldn't let me see you." He explains, strolling in and closing the door behind him. He comes over to the bed and starts to stroke my hair.

"Are you okay?" He whispers.

"Yeah. Why were you at the house?" I ask, his touch making me tingle and getting rid of the pain.

"You left your phone at the party. I came to bring it to you. Skye, you were so brave, i would have been crying and begging." He admits, putting my phone in my hand.

"Thanks. You're so sweet." I whisper.

"I got the mirror." My dad points out, marching in. Zeke pulls away instantly and i can't help but smile at how scared he is of dad.

I take the mirror from him and raise it to my face. My nose is cut across the top and is crooked but hidden with crocodile strips. There is another cut on the left of my forehead, stitched up and another on my lip with crocodile strips hiding it.

"I thought it was worse." I admit.

"I didn't recognise you because of all the blood." Dad explains.

"Thanks." I sarcastically say.

"Pepper is on her way." He announces.

I hear high heel footsteps coming along the hospital corridor.

"Tony?" Pepper shouts. He steps out of the room and i see Pepper walking past the room window, they argue and point at each other.

"Zeke, are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, Im fine."

Pepper marches in and gasps seeing me.

"Skye. Oh my god. Are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah. I'm fine."


Dad fills in the forms for me to leave the hospital, i lean against the reception cabinet and look at the painkillers.

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