Freedom testing

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With a massive push of wings on air, the figure shot forward with speed that no bird could fly and the said animals below crowed and tweeted at the disturbance, the person laughed at his freedom and he did a flew twirls in the air before coming to a stop. The teens orange-y brown hair whipped in the headwind and his orange eyes scanned the forest below him and he let out a sigh
-and people are so comfy on the ground-he thought to himself.
Behind him the sun started to set,casting long shadows and the trees golden with the heavens light.
"Well it's been nice sky but I best be heading back to the borrrring old ground" he shouted to the sky and with a beat of his wings, he half flew half fell, till he was just above the treetops, at the last second he pulled up and flew low enough  so that he could touch the leaves as they sped past. but that at the speed he was going, it would've been a bad idea.

After about thirty minutes of high speed flying the small teen finally saw his home, it wasn't much, just a small shack that clearly had few rooms. He slowly glided down and the trees shifted yes that's right they moved anywho the trees moved their branches so that the teen would have a clear landing. With a solid thump he landed and made it's way to the shack, shoving his pale hands into his dark black hoodie, he bounded up the three steps and threw open the door to get out of the twilight cold.

"Mum I'm home" he called down the small hallway.
"About time too" a Female voice called from the room across the hall "you've been out all day Brendan" she said as she made her way out of the room.
"Really, thought I was out for only two hours...."so called Brendon said, scratching the back of his neck he chuckled weakly "guess time flies by.."
"You dont say" she said leaning against the wall and folding her arms.
Brendon smiled and he took out a small stone from his side pack
"Also look what i found!" he said and he handed it to his mother, who looked at with great interest "found it in one of the streams, it looked out of place"

Brendan made his way to this livening room, it was a fairly simple room with a round table and a few chairs, a large window let in the last of the twilight light and a small couch sat opposite of the table and a book shelf covered the other wall and it was well covered in books.....and dust
"Man I really need to clean this place out......"Brendon said to no-one as he made his way to the couch and he flopped down dramatically and retrieved a small book from his pack and continued with the drawing he was doing earlier, it was nothing to big, just a dragon flying through a cloud. Calmly humming a small tune as the light faded from the world.

~~~~~after some time later~~~~~~~

Brendon sat alone on top of a small cliff, below ran a river and the trees around it seemed to look lonely, much like himself. He looked up to the few stars dotting the now night sky and he brushed away a clump of hair away from his eyes and he sighed "I wonder what on the other side of those mountains?"he asked the stars but he always knew that no reply would come. The full moon slowly started rising from its bed of the horizon and the wind softly tugged at the grass around him, with that he stood up and he stretched his light blue wings to their full span before he pulled them close to his body and he made his way back down the hill and to the place he called home.

Crickets started the night calling and the nocturnal beast started awaking from the days long of sleeping, fireflies started lighting up the path and bats arose from the tree tops, giving the place a rather calming but spookie look to it.


Somewhere over the mountains hidden away in a valley, with silent wind everything stood on end, not an animal dared to make a sound as lone figure peeped out of a small hole that had been burned through the grey and withered stone prison wall that he was kept in, he waited for the edged to go from white hot to orange before he carefully stepped through it, after all he could burn stuff but it could also burn him. He looked around the deserted valley, and he ran for his life and new claimed freedom, weak or not, he was out and glad for it. Far back he heard shouts of alarm and he bolted.

(annnd there you have it humans the first poorly edited, hate fuled , bullshited, three am, red-bull enfuled extravanagsa known ans TKA, let's see how long this will last before i give up on it completely whooo)

To Kill A: G.O.D(DISCONTINUED SEE NEW STORY) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora