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Brendan looked up at the roof and sighed, -boring boring- he thought, and his left wing twitched for a few seconds. Sighing he swung his legs over the side of the bed and he pushed the covers off, and as silently as he could, he made way out of his bed and to the small chest at the end of his bed. He opened the lid and he grabbed out a grey hoodie with white stripes at the end of the sleeves. About a few minutes later, after gathering his pack and supplies, he made his way to the living room and he grabbed a few of the books from the shelf. He had a small plan, he was going to see those mountains and its wonders beyond. Neatly packing everything into his bag, he slung it over his shoulder and started his way to the door as silently as he could after all the floorboards decided to make such a noise on the quiet night.


Dawn came slowly that day as Brendon walked calmly through the lush forests, everything had a grey to an to it and the morning fog slowly snaked across the ground. Looking around he took in as much of the land as he could before it came to an end, now the land had setting that is not really real, after they forest that he called home was only one of the smaller forest of the landmass, not the biggest forest is located on the other side of the mountains and its massive, now you all know how big Japan is right? Well this forest or as it is better known as 'the dead lands' despite it being one of the most life filled out of the hundred of forest that litter the content but the  locals know it as 'the Trap Grounds' but I better not waste your time with silly geometry so on with the story SCREE! Brendan saw that the trees starting to thin out and he sighed, now the massive plain lands that many villages were housed and well let's just say that Brendan is not all too welcomed in a few of them, mostly because of the markings on his face now I didn't explain what he looked like in the other chapter because im a lazy shit, You know what the marionette looks like from FNAF well he looks a bit like that, two dark blue slits going over his eyes and all around his mouth is pitch black and that it curves up to a wicked grin, not to mention that his skin colour is nearly white, he has a set of the same black coloured rings around his neck but the most weird thing about is the strings, he has a set of fifteen puppet strings attached to his back, but they are kept hidden within his feathered wings. And my now you all know who he is amiright? Well for all you silly dumbasses, he is Puppet!

Now Brendan did some math from the last time he ventured out this far and recalling from memory, he came to multiple conclusions,  if he walked straight down the centre of the grassy plain, it would take about a week on foot, three days if by going nonestop flight, but if he was to go around the edge and passing the forest in the center it would take about three weeks but he would bypass by most of the towns, or he could go down the diagonal that would create about five days of travel and along the river that ran along the edge. so with his mind set he took of with three massive flaps of his wings and he soared above the river that divided his forest from the plains, he continued to fly up river seeing that the wind was behind him and was speeding his travels.

~|~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP: one week later cause i'm to lazy to type that shit

Brendan sat at the base of a large tree, he had flown for most of the week and only walking on foot upon coming across a few strange looking people, one had weird shaped glasses and another had a tail and cat ears? Well aside from that slight detour he was at the beginning of the forest of the mountains, each one varied in  a dark desaturated colour from red to blue  and even green, each one towering above the clouds making the whole land around them seem small. Sighing he shrugged off his pack and he looked up at the sky, dark clouds lined the horizon, each one shaded with hues of pink and orange from the setting sun that betrayed the wrath contained inside them.

~~~~~some time later lazy fucker screee!

The moon had finally reached its highest point in the sky as Brendon slept away still with his back to the tree, calmly walking within the depths of his dream land, as a dark figure flew overhead at a rather fast speed, it's red wings glowing red from the moonlight and it's blue scarf blowing in the wind as it doubled back around to the mountains as a screech cut through the silence, waking Brendan up in the process. Rubbing his eyes he looked up just in time to see a massive dark serpentine shape fly overhead. The dark clouds finally covered up the last of the sky and blocked out the remaining moonlight and the heavens opened up. Cussing he pulled his hood over his head and he retreated into the dry undercover of the forest, the massive oak trees proved a wonderful cover from the storm raging above, th only down side? The darkness, three times he walked into trees and God knows how many times tipping over stuff!


The teen sat curled up,hugging his legs and rocking back and forth inside a cave, as the rain bucketed down outside and he thought weakly -how much further has this mountain range got to go- and he rested his head against the cave wall and he slowly drifted off to sleep. It had been nearly a week now since his escape from that dark dingy prison, and notherless it might've been better if he stayed there after all at least he got to eat every day and most definitely NOT have to fight off the beasts of the night and day, like honestly you'll think that someone as thin as he was would get ignored but NOPE, atleast they had enough of a brain to back away from the frightening orange and yellow dancing plant otherwise known as fire.

To Kill A: G.O.D(DISCONTINUED SEE NEW STORY) Where stories live. Discover now