let the games begin

22 4 1

Dayrta stared outside the caves opening, watching the whiteness howling outside. A small jet of fire shot from her muzzle, singeing the stone under her head to near black, listing to Eden's pacing at the back of the cave, his claws clicking across the ground, it was rather getting annoying for the older dragoness and it wouldn't take long for her to remove him, but she knew better, way better.

"Are we going out for him?" The small blue dragon asked
"I would like to live till i see my own hatchlings fly" she hissed back and she curled up with her tail tip under her muzzle and her wings folded over her body, she let out a massive yawn, with fire burning in the back of her throat as Eden sat down, pawing at a small stone with his claws.

 Silentness elapsed the two dragons for along time aside for the wind howling outside and the slow breathing of Dayrta. Eden let out a keening growl and he padded closer to the cave mouth, looking out for anything, anything at all within the white world.

"Get used to it kid" Dayrta muttered "the path that you will take down holds a lot more of this then you think" and with that she shoved her head under her right wing and fell asleep, leaving the pour smaller dragon to wither in guilt.
'I should go after him' he thought 'or I should of at least covered him.......' Sighing he shifted back into his human form and he sat down cross legged, still staring out into the whiteness with the same hopeless expression he wore when he's finally got out of the hell hole of a prison, his life could not get any worse...... could it?

Walking along a path only viable to them, a person slowly trudged along, their head bowed and the  red coats hood pulled low over their face, not even bothered by the cold. They pulled the hood down revealing their gender and their short black hair and pale face and their golden eyes. Looking up and seeing through the grey like it was a summers day, the teen saw a dark winged figure slam into the nearby mountain top with a cr. Gravity took its hold and dragged the person down the side, snapping their  feathered wing that was trapped under slow and rocks, they crashed into the snow a few feet from the teenage girl, the person let out a shuddering breath and they pulled their good wing close to them as they went limp, clearly losing conscience. Running over to the fallen  person's side and knelt down, looking over the persons wing, the bone was clearly snapped and it showed through the skin, startling white against the red, blood poured from the jagged opening and tuning the light blue feathers a deadly crimson. Standing up she whistled into the wind and three rather large snow cats lept from seemingly nowhere and circled around them, lifting her hand she mutter a word and they bowed their heads low and the largest one padded forward, kneading back down and with strength that was betrayed by her skinny form she lifted up the person and set him down on the large cats back and muttering a word, a spell soon bounded the teen from falling for the cats back.

 Pointing down the slope she had climbed and she muttered "gratta te mreth" and the cat took off bounding down the slope and it vanished from sight. Looking back at the two other cats she said "teh dragarad, nurma teo fer sounara teara the blard Dayrta et Eden, neara Gratta, nero ge ad therma  moracata" she waved her hand and the other two took of, leaping across the snow cover ground and leaping down the cliff. Tuning heal she walked back down the slope her midnight black hair blowing in the wind. Following the tracks of the first cat and the drops of blood from the persons wing. it would take time to heal, bot with magic or not, but she had seen the black markings on the teens face and she knew, it was time to stop hiding and start answering the questions to come.  


 long after she vanished from sight the dark shape of a wyvern landed its wings not even disturbing a single snowflake, folding its massive wings to shield it from the biting cold it knelt down and a person no larger than a child knelt down picked up one of the blood stained feathers and she smiled, with her breath fogging on the wind she muttered in a voice more chilling than the world around her even when muffled by the bandana around her mouth "let the game begin" and walking back to the wyvern, she kicked off the ground and jumping the full three meters to the saddle of the hollow eyes beast, grabbing the reins and with a flick of her wrist and the sharp crack of the reins the beast took off, screeching a horrible cry.

To Kill A: G.O.D(DISCONTINUED SEE NEW STORY) Where stories live. Discover now