Snow blind

42 3 4

Brendon rolled over in his sleep, pulling his wings close as he felt the cold air slam into his face. Wait cold air? His eyes flew open and he sat up. Looking at the gap between the cave wall and Dayrta's wing. Starring out, whiteness dominated the world. Looking around he saw Eden asleep next to Dayrta's back paw.
But no Braken.
"The fuck?" He whipered and picking up a small stone, he threw it at Eden's head.
"Owwwwwwwmuuuumtennoreminuts" he mutter and he rolled over only to get hit in the back with another rock
"Wake up" Brendon grolwed and he throw a larger rock and Dayrta's head. The dragon snorted and she opens her eyes and pulling a horse face she stared at Brendon.
"What?" She grolwed
"Braken is not here" he said
"Braken es no hereo" he said waving his arms around
"" she muttered and she rested her head back down and fell asleep again.
Brendon sighed and he walked over to Eden, poking him in the face till he woke up.
"Neeeh kayyyyyyyt I'm up gawd" the teen muttered (why the hell did autocheck change that to pregnancy? Spell check are you trying to imply something!?)
"Bout time" the angel hybrid muttered as Eden stood up rubbing his eyes.
"Okay who set the cat on fire" he said
"Braken got out"
"Oh, maybe he just needed to pee"(once again my two year old humor dominated my mind)
"In the middle of a snow storm? Right" Brendon said with sarcasm
"Ok maybe not that but egh um I don't know" he said and Brendon sighed. Dayrta let out a huge yawn and she looked at the two
"What are you to talking abou?" She asked
"Braken got o-" Brendon didn't even finish and the dragon lept to her paws and rushed out of the cave taking flying quickly.
"Follow?" Eden asked
"Follow" they bother ran out of the cave. Leaping of the edge, Brendon had to beat his wings hard and fast in order not the get blown away. Looking back just in time to see Eden take the leap of faith.
"FUCK" Brendon pulled into a dive after his friend, but it was not needed.  As Eden was free falling his form shifted, deep blue scales flowed along his body he grew in size, his hands turned into paws tipped with claws, and great wings of fire flew from his back, spines sprouted from the back of his head and along his back. Brendon pulled to hover looking on in shock. Eden once a normal fire bender was not a small six meter long dark blue scaled dragon.
"You like!?" Eden called over the raging wind.
"hell yeah" Brendon called back and they took off.
Following Dayrta's dark silhouette in the sky, the three flew fast, lost in a world of white and ice cold wind.
The two dragons pulled on ahead leaving Brendon trailing behind.
'Crap this was a bad idea' (why can I not fucking write in italics?)he thought and he beated his wings fast In afailed attempt to keep up with the two dragons ahead.
One gust of wings slammed into his left wing throwing him off balance, looking up he saw Dayrta's dark shape growing smaller and smaller ahead and Eden was nothing but glowing ball in a sea of dark gray and white. Panic over took him as the glow of eden's wings faded out and he flew around yelling
"ANYONE?DAYRTA? EDEN? ANYONE" he scram over the wind. The snow started to fall faster and the wind turned violent. Brendon dived down, even to his best efforts the wind pushed him back up, tears formed at the edge of his eyes and he thought 'im going to die'.
Wind slammed against  his wings dragging him closer to an unseen mountain top.
One final blast of cold slammed him into the mountain side folled by the unmistakable sound of bones breaking and cries of pain echoed around. Shivering and ignoring the massive amount of pain coming from his right wing and arm, Brendon pulled his good wing around him and ignoring the red blood that flowed along the ground 'im going to die' he thought. Screeches sounded on the wind as the snow blew around violently as Brendon slowly slipped into a unconscience state.
Eden flew right behind Dayrta, using her larger form as coverage so he wouldn't get blown away and quite surely die. Shaking his head free of a few rouge snowflakes he glanced behind him 'where is he?' He thought
"DAYRTA I CANT SEE BRENDON!" He roared over the wind, looking back againe
"We have to go back" he roared again and Dayrta just growled
"We wait till the storms over" she hissed
"WE WAIT TILL THE STORMS OVER" she roared over the wind and she turns her head to face him "WE CANT DO SHIT, NEED TO LAND NOW BEFORE WE FREAZ OVER. FOLLOW" pulling into a dive she cut through the wind like nothing and Eden followed. Flying around at low hight were the wind was much more kinder.
Letting loose a wave of fire, the world lit up before them and she kept the fire going. Upon finding a cave of a descent size they flew in and huddled close. "Now we wait and hope that Brendon has enough sense to find cover" she whispered and she wrapped her wing around Eden who had let the fire wings die out, resting her head in the ground she fell asleep as Eden stared out of the cave looking horrified.
Death count: unknow,
Know deaths: 7
Initiating, arrival......,....-.-.:/&....~<>


Power down

Shit why is fucking watpad being so goddammed buggie like half the time I can write in italics and then it just randomly changed fronts half way though like what the hell watpad GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER
Fuck I am so goddammed close to giving up on this stupid app *drops mic and walks off*

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