Foreshadowing Dawn

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(omg im sooooooo super dooper mega absolutely contpemlentualy  ultra mega uber-dooper SORRY for not updating for like nearly two months, please forgive meeeee so here take thing somewhat long chapter <3 love you fam)

The whole world around him was dark, all sounds muffled and distorted. his body numb and cold and the darkness stretched on and on seemingly forever, the whole place was eerie and his home forest at night with no moon.

And slowly the falling sensation grew across his body and the world suddenly appears around him, sounds suddenly came alive and people appeared round him. He recognised a few, Braken, EDEN, one of his childhood friends Murtagh the rest however he had no clue, most looked grim, others fearful but most in utter anger. And he could see why. They were in the midst of a war zone, coloured lights   blasting from their hands over the no-man's land where the mangled bodies of dead dragons  and wyverns, most likely the working of Lix. Speaking of the dragonborn, the purple dragon flew over head, white hot fire spewing from her maw, looking rather beaten up and her wings torn to shreds maybe to the point of one more hit and she would be grounded. 

Looking around he saw that the side that he was standing had some form of banner, a black flag with some form of eyeless cat with four fangs and headphones, the flag was attached to what looked like the black fort from his book! but just more.....trashed, half the outer wall was blown to bits and the spiers crumbling as he spoke, the main buildings top layer was gone and holes littered the place.

Looking over at the other side, he saw that many of them were on top of wyverns and had some form of weapon, it looked like a gun but on steroids, is that what they're called? he didn't know.

Lix screeched again and she dove down, sending a wave of fire at the opposing side, they responded by throwing up some form of coloured shield and it let off some form of drum sound as the fire flowed over it. 

spreading his wings he took to the air and watched from above, als let's say that it looked way worce from above, the Cat's, as he could asume by their flag, was greatly outnumbered but about three to one, even as he watched about eleven people jumped out from the cover of a small thatch of trees and started firing some form of blood red lights at the other side. ad by the sounds of cheers from the Cats' they were on their side.

Lix roared and she pulled a U-turn and did another passing over the other side, taking down two wyverns that had flown up to meet her in the air, one she rammed her from horn into its neck and the other she knocked it out of the sky with her tail, sending it screeching  down into the opposing side.

He saw EDEN slowly sift into his dragon form and he took to the air, he too looked beaten up but he was definitely in a way better condition than Lix.   Soon he was at level with her and pulled up, screeching something over the noise, he could hardly make it out but by the tone it sounded like a threat and Lix responded in kind by roaring loud enough to drown out the sounds of the war below. with a quick beat of her mangled wings she flew above the smaller one sending a shadow that covered the opposing people completely . Looking closer he saw someone on Lix's back, clinging onto one of her spines for dear life as she pulled into a steep dive, sending a jet of flame at EDEN completely engulfing the small blue fire drake in the withering purple inferno.  with a roar EDEN flew out of the flames and he charged at the larger dragon, who only slapped him away with her paw.

Looking at the person he gasped, it was him! just way more beaten up and his eyes now glowing a bright orange as he formed a ball of orange light in his hand and then threw it at EDEN, hitting the drake in the chest and knocking him down from the sky. a million questions flooded the kids mind, why was EDEN attacking Lix, why was there a war, why- "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING?" he yelled and what looked to be a cat and some form of blue furred thing  started fighting, sending jets of sound each time they collided. 

Slowly flying down to get a closer look at the two things battling it out he saw that the cat was eyeless just like the cat on the banner and he could only guess that it was the leader of the Cat's, the other thing was drest like it was a formal event and over his eyes he wore a set of 3D glasses. Rather strange to say the least but the formal attire was not the case, the blue thing had some form of black smoke surrounding it that gave him a rather longer in control look, and by the looks of the others, they could not see it  which only confirmed his point.

 Flying back up he saw the the Cat's had managed to push back the blue ones forces by a good lot, and Lix was taking down anything that took the the sky and EDEN was nowhere to be seen. Looking at himself on top of the dragons back he sighed how far into the future it this? He looked about the same age but then yet looks can be deceiving.

Looking down he gasped as the Cat  collapsed, purple blood flowing from the large gash on his neck and chest and the blue thing smiling evilly and he started laughing madly, only to be cut short as another cat, this time with yellow eyes and no mouth slamming into him. knocking him down into the blood soaked ground and it continued to maul him with its rather sharp looking claws as another cat but this time dark green in colour and it had both eyes and mouth helped the eyeless cat. Lix looked down and saw an opening, diving down till she was only two meters from the ground and she leveled off, gliding along with her wings locked straight, speeding along the ground, her claws raking the ground sending up dust. Her eyes slitted and she narrowed her eyes, then at the last second  she pulled up not  from the cat's and she flicked her tail, catching the blue think under the chin and flipping him into the air before slamming him into the ground again. Flapping her wings she dove straight up and barrel rolled out of the way as the blue thing sent a jet of black light that bent the air around it.

Looking around he made eye contact with EDEN. the smaller dragons eyes were ablaze with hatred and his hissed with the same amount of hatred.

"You!" ~~~

And then... the real world returned.

"hey look he's awake!!"


"you're alive!"

many more voices milled around him that he didn't recognized and he groan.

"everyone back off"  a  deep voice called, clearly an older person " give him space, he  flew into a mountain a few ago"

a few people groaned and a few yes's could be heard

"common Puppet time to return to the living" the voice said calmly as Puppet slowly opened his eyes 

and the first thing he said? "fuckign shit it's too fucking bright" 

To Kill A: G.O.D(DISCONTINUED SEE NEW STORY) Where stories live. Discover now