Me and you

23 4 0

The sun slowly crawled up the sky painting the heavens in a bright orange light, it lit up the mountain sides with golden light, each stone and crack illuminated with its gilded touch.
Eden slowly rose from his sleep, opening his eye only for a fraction before getting assaulted by the blinding afternoon light streaming though the cave mouth and he rolled over, he slowly pulled himself to his knees and he rubbed the remaining sleep from his eyes, with a loud yawn he looked around, a thunk sounded from outside and Brendon walked back into the cave with a smirk.
"Morning mate....or should I say afternoon" he said picking up his pack from the cave wall
"Wait what time is it?" Eden asked
"Sometime past midday" he replied
"We'll get yo ass up we got some long walking ahead to do"
"Yeah yeah i know" Eden said and he stood up and stretched
"Hey did you hear music last night?" Brendon asked
"Yeah I did, it sounded like it came from the east" Eden said
"Weird, it didn't sound like the music from the villages......"
Silence followed for a bit and Brendon spoke up "So let's get going then" and with that he turned heel and he walked out of the cave with Eden following close behind.

A few hours of walking and taking the duo made their way across an old game trail, before coming to a heavily dense mountain forest
"Well crap...."Brendon muttered "this is going to take some time to go through."
"Who ever said we needed to go through it?" Eden said shifting from on foot to the other"I know a way around, but it does involve climbing"  
"Well where do we go?"
"There" he said and he pointed down a smaller path "it leads to an old trade root passing on the mountains, it'll cut down on travel time but a few years back there was a cave in with on of the tunnels so we gunna have to climb over it..."
"Well let's get going then" Brendon mumbled and he switched his pack from his right shoulder to his left and they turned down the path.
The sun slowly made its way down below the roots of the mountains, darkening the valley floors and the base of the mountains, slowly climbing up and up as the two walked along the path
"-the thing is, before the cave in people just stopped coming along this way, it left a great mark on the town but we soon got to work on setting up a new route but the thing is when ever people did come from this way, they were always burnt like someone shot then with a fire ball, and the ones that were as burnt said that a great purple beast with claws and teeth the size of men and demons and when it grolwed they said that the whole mountain shook and they said that's it's limbs were the size of trees and we don't know what the thing was but it rose so much panic we nearly evacuated the whole village, many people thought it was a dragon but they all died out like millions of year ago, but yeah we didn't evacuate because where the hell would we go? So anyway we sent out a few people, like ten or so, to see what the hell was going on....but they never came back, some people that lived next to the path said that they could hear something like a thousand drums beating at the same time and a dark shape would fly over head at night, they say it looked like a bat with a long neck and a lizard like head, anyhow  after about a few days of sending people up we just gave up and went of with normal life well as normal as we could because something kept on taking all the big animals from the area and they said that fire like not normal red fire, purple fire was sometimes seen as the thing flew over head, sometimes it flew over the village."Eden explained
"Sounds to me your village has a dragon problem" Brendon said
"Yeah no kidding........"
"Do you think we might see it?"
"I hope not"
"Yeah but still it would be so awesome"
"Yeah I guess"
"Well anyway do you think we should set up camp or something cause it's getting really dark"Brendon said looking up at the now nearly back sky, a few stars could be seen shining brightly and many more started doting the black abyss.
"Yeah" Eden said yawing "see if you can find anything that can be used as fire wood"
"No need" Brendon said and ten thick roots ripped out of the ground and they slithered into a pile before the life in them slowly drained way leaving fire wood
"There we go" he said with a grin
"How-oh wait you a plant element right?"
"Not plant element, nature elemental" he said
Eden nodded and he flicked his wrist and a small spark lit up on the pile of wood, spreading fast till all ten logs were alight
"You know we make a good team" Brendon said sitting down
"Yup" Eden said and he sat down cross legged
-time skip to the next day-
Eden and Brendon continued they way along the path
"The cave-in should be coming up soon" Eden said
"Mkay" Brendon said shoving his hand into his hoodies pockets
"So did you hear anymore of that weird music last night?"
"Yeah, it sounded a lot more like a destress sound then music" Eden said
"Weird......what do you think that means?"
"Maybe it's some form of animal sound or something?"
"Naw, hey you know that book I showed you? How it had people who use music and sound as weapons, I think it might be them"
"Hell yeah" Brendon said excitedly
"Hey look a cave" the winged teen pointed out
"That's a big cave..."Eden said
"Wana check it out?"
"Well......well I can't see in any harm in doing so"
And so the teens walked over to the cave entrance.
"Hey are those claw marks?" Brendon said kneeling down to look at the lines in the stone
"those ain't claw marks THESES are claw marks" Eden said pointing to the large gouges in the stone, all of them looked like the size of a man and each one came in four sets, suggesting that it was a big four legged beast, and a few areas were blackened around the claw marks, they led to inside the cave
"How the hell did I miss those...."he muttered
"I don't know Brendon......"and they both made their way into the cave.
Both the teens looked around for a bit then Brendon called
Eden ran over only to see Brendon holding a large oval slab of purple crystal about the forty centimetres in diameter
"Dood it's just a stone"
"No not a stone, a scail of some form" he said
"Really, gimme it" Eden said snatching the scail from Brendon's hands, looked it over "well you went shitting about it being a scail, but what kind of thing would have a scail this bi-" he was cut of by a low groaning and growling sound coming from deeper in the cave
"What the fuck was that!?" Brendon semi-yelled and the stone beneath them shook, then the ground beneath them caved in and they both fell through, screaming.

Death count- ??? Unknown

To Kill A: G.O.D(DISCONTINUED SEE NEW STORY) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن