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Eden stared down at the land rushing below them. Taking in what little he could before the land passed by, mountains and valleys rushed past them as Dayrta winged their way across the land. 'It's been three days of flying and we are still not out of these mountains' he thought. "hey Lix. How far do we have to till we get out of this blasted mountain range?" He asked over the wind.
"A long way" the purple dragoness growled "and by the looks of the clouds a lot longer then it should"
"Wait what?" Brendon asked
"Snow storm, I'm gunna have to land and we gotta wait it out"
"Damit. How long do snowstorms normally last here?" Eden asked
"Three days atleast, two weeks at most" she hissed, pitching forward she dove down slowly, having been flying for three days straight and she wing arms felt like led. "And I need to eat something before this goddamed white out" the dragon flared out her wings bringing them to a near halt before snapping them closed, she tilted forward reaching out with her front paws to land first before shaking her wings and she let out a huge yawn.
"Everyone off" she said through another yawn and Eden slowly slid down her left foreleg. Brendon gave his wings a good flap and he was in the air, flying over her massive head, he landed next to Eden.
"Were do you think we are?" The angel asked
"I don't know probably way south as I saw the southern road some time yesterday" Eden huffed as he shoved his hands into his pants pockets.
The ground shook as Lix took off to hunt and she called back down to them "I'll be back before nightfall" and with another beat of her wings she flew higher.

The rest of the day passed slowly for Brendon and Eden, most of the time was spent wandering around or reading the books that Brendon had brought along.
"So what do you think?" He asked looking at a book of dragons that he had brought when they were at the village "do you think she is a speed class or a flight class, I mean look at he wings, they're massive like a fligh class right, about twice her lengh? But yet her body shape is a speed class, like what is this dragon"
"She's a dragonborn, dumb ass" Eden said yanking to book from Brendon's hands and he flipped through a few pages before coming to a stop at a new chapter titled 'dragonborns. anatomy and classing'
"She is quite clearly a hybrid between a amethyst and obsidian. Cause amethyst breeds are generally strength and speed classes, mostly built for terrestrial movement and crushing, you can tell by the amount of muscle on the front legs and tail and well you can tell that she can clearly take down atleast ten or so wyverns at the same time and and not to mention her under plates. Pure amethyst. But her horns and claws are black, probably obsidian. But obsidian classes are built for finances and aerial movement, how? Her goddamed wings thats how, not even the biggest amethyst dragons had a wings span that big and mind you this is an estaminet but I think her wings span is atleast one hundred meters in lengh, and that is only achieved by Ruby and Obsidian classes and the largest ones at that. Not even Corna, the biggest obsidian dragon had a wing span that freaken big and by looking at her claws she ain't that old ether, probably about say, fifteen thousand at most. But if we are going by size she would be about nearly twenty thousand and that's only by amethyst dragon years and plus she has the size to be an amethyst dragon as they are one of the larger dragonborn breeds, and plus her fire is hot enough to kill a wyvern, and that is an Obsidian dragon trait."
"Um quick question, how the hell do you know this stuff? It ani't even in the book" Brendon asked
"Because dragonborns know about dragonborns."
"Yeah go figger but first WHAT THE HELL IS A DRAGONBORN?" Brendon yelled
"God no need to yell" Eden muttered, rubbing his ear "anyway dragonborns are weird beings that defie the laws of gravity and logic. Having a dragon soul insted of a human one and wings made of pure stone, gemstone, metal and all other natural solid rocks"
"Wait insted of a human soul, what?"
Eden sighed and continued "dragonborns have two forms, a human one, it's practically a dragons body shoved into a human one, and anything that normally wouldn't fit into a human would stand out, like the wings, tail, horns and spins. They can breath fire and all that stuff. The other form is well, what we have been riding on the the past few days, a dragon, quite normally bigger then the average dragon that is about six too ten meters in hight and about ten too fifteen in length, dragonborns can range from anywhere between ten to forty meters in hight and twenty to seventy in length"
"Wow, and your one of them......right?"
"Yep I just decide not to show my wings and tail to the world" Eden said looking up at the sky "where the hell do you think she is?"
"Don't know but I hope she gets back before this storm or what ever hits" Brendon said pulling his hood over his head as the air got colder.
"Yeah" Eden mutter and he went back to reading the book "oh and plus I don't think those were natural wyverns that attacked us before. Wyverns are way bigger normaly about five meters tall, the ones at attacked us were about three and they smelt weird"
Brendon just huffed and he took out his drawing book and started to finish a drawing from long ago. Not long after doing so both the teens heard the beating of large wings.
Lix flew on silent wings as she scanned the world below for any form of kill
'Nothing' she thought and she doubled back flying back over the way she came. Then something court her eye. Something with wings and she let out a growl, she flew up and positioned herself so that the setting sun was right behind her, so that if something was to attack her it's would be blinded before is was eve half way to her. She squinted her large eyes to make out what was making the movement. All she made out from her high was that it had red wings, red hair and blue clothing. The dragon blinked and she dove down knowing that the winged human was smaller then her. She landed with a soft thud and she carefully approached knowing all to well that is could be a trap. She arched her neck forward and she sniffed the person, she let ou a snarl upon smelling blood and the person let out a groan and it slowly lifted its head, but upon seeing the massive dragon it scram and moved away, it's eyes were wide with fright and its right arm looked broken.
"Wait Ryan?" Lix said with disbelief
"What the hell happend to you?"
'Got to close to Tasty's borders that what I did'
"Crap bro well your coming with me" she said and she carefully picked up the demon hybris and she took off, her hunger forgotten after all dragons can go for six weeks with out food and this was her second so she should live. She flew with great speed back to the two hybrids that he had been carrying for the past three days and they soon came into sight as the sun finally dipped below the horizon.
Death count: seven


To Kill A: G.O.D(DISCONTINUED SEE NEW STORY) Where stories live. Discover now