Greetings dragon

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Brendon fell back first into pool of bone freezing water with a loud splash, he slowly clawed his way back to the surface (MAKE THE GROUND SHAKE BEWHAMMMMM.....sorry) and he gasped fro air, he looked around for EDEN, who only just surfaced. Using his wings Brendon swam over to his friend, and he dragged him to the bank, where they both laid couching. Brendon looked up at the place they fell through and he thought 'holy shit that God that there was water....'
"You alright mate?" He asked looking over at EDEN
"Yeah....just winded" EDEN mutter and he sat up "crap we fell along way...."
Brendon slowly got to his feet and he shook the water from his wings, drenching the rocks and Eden in the process
"Eheh sorry" he said and he pulled his wings close to himself.
Eden just mumbled and he pushed away his wet hair from his eyes and he looked around.
"Let's see if we can find an exit or something"
"Good idea"
Both the teens looked around and started off, taking in what little detail they could.
The cave was atleast twenty or so meters tall and God knows how wide, bolderd the size of houses were scattered around the place and the stalactites and stalagmites towed above them like trees, purple gems the size of wagons stood tall and inside the cavern walls, each one glowing a soft pink, and the same claw marks littered the ground all over the place, not to mention that is smelt like brimstone and smoke.
"Man this please give me the chi HOLY SHIT IS THAT A SKELETON!?" Brendon scram upon seeing the charred skeleton, it's armour still on and it's sword in hand
"Dood what ever you do....don't look to your left" Eden said weakly, and Brendon dared to look over his shoulder only to find a pile of charred and burnt skeletons, horses and beasts, the pile was at least a few meters tall, rotting flesh still clung to the top corps, flys buzzing around them.
"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL" he scram and he backed away
"I told you..."
"Whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck"Brendon muttered
"Bro calm down, what ever lived here is probably long dead..."Eden said softly, wrapping arm around Brendon's shaking shoulders who just nodded, looking pale.
Both the teens continued for what seemed forever till the came to some form a wall blocking the way
"Well now what?" Brendon asked as Eden clenched his fist and it bursted into flames lighting up the place with its bright orange light
"What the fuck...."he mutter as he looked at the 'wall', it was a deep purple colour and it looked like it was carved like scales, each one looking like an oval with pointed tips. they looked at each other and Brendon reached out to touch it
"Hey it looks like the scale we saw at the entrance" he said looking up and seeing where it ended "well it's not that tal-" he was cut of and the 'wall' moved, gliding along the ground with a sound of falling sand
"Brendon RUN" Eden scrams and they turned heel and bolted back the way they came before sliding behind a large stalagmite to catch their breath.
"What the fuck!?" Brendon said "what the hell was that!?"
"Bren that was no was a tail"
"And I poked it, fuck I just woke something up"
A low boom sounded from the far end of the cave and a low growl sounded
"Jonny put out the fire" Brendon whisper yelled, Eden muttered something and the fire spluttered out, leaving them in darkness, both daring not to breath or make a sound. The sound of a great beast breathing sounded from all around them, and the sound of scales hitting scales was heard and the soft thumping sound of large paws hitting the ground and something large drifted meters from the two teens, and suddenly a great eye opened glowing a bright light blue colour, illuminating the two, it's slitted pupal adjusting to its light it blinked once and the pulled away, only then did Eden bring back the fire, regretting it instantly cause infront of them was a dragon, the only thing that the fire illuminated was its head and a part of its wing and it was massive six meters long and three meters tall, it's phangs the size of a man and its eye was massive, it faded from a deep sea blue to light blue, it's pupal narrow , spines linnded the top of its skull and it had one horn in-between its muzzle, another three spines jutted up at the back of its head and two horns linnded the back of its skull and another one was below the two and its curved up, all of them wickedly sharp the edges of its mouth curved up into a grin and its spoke.
"Greetings hatchlings" it hissedand the teens gasped, both frozen in place, freighted out of their wits.
"Don't act so shy hatchling....come forth and let me get a better look at you" it wooded, and it licked its muzzle and it chuckled "hatchlings of the fire and angles, come forth"
The teens looked at each other and the back at the dragon, they stayed in place, and the dragon made a rumbling sound from the back of its throat, and it dawned on them it was laughing "do not be scared" it hissed again and it moved, it's scales clicking together as it moved with grace, it's limbs were long and well built, clearly this beast was built for speed, it's chest well mussled, it's wing arms were narrow and large each one the side of the beast whole, the muscles that connected it to the body were big and strong, built for flight, it's tail was long and heavily muscled, it's spines ran along its back a dark grey blue, and the spines at the end of its tail were massive, about five meters tall the biggest one was, the beast moved and settled down not to far away, it's eyes locked onto the two teens, taking in the sight of them.
"Let me guess, first time seeing a beast as powerful as me" it said "well hatchlings what are your names?"
"I-I'm P-Puppet a-and this I-is Eden" Brendon stutters frightened
"Interesting names I must say" it said looking at him "you are not from the mountains are you Puppet? From beyond are you not? I do not remember your sent, unlike Eden, he I remember clearly, how long has it been since you last saw the place you called home?"
"It's been many m-moons, g-great dragon" Eden said some what bravely
"Has it? Well I must say the village has grown"
"And how must you know this o' great dragon?"
"Herm you have well manners young Eden? Be glad that you do it will come in handy when you meet another dragon who is.....not as kind as I" it said, it's huge tail slightly swaying from side to side.
Eden just nodded and the dragon let out a chuckles and it looked back at the hole they fell through
"Need help getting back up?"it asked looking at Brendon's bloody wing"cause I'm surprised that you haven't felt the pain at all"
"Wait wha....."Brendon looked at his right wing, fresh blood coated it "oh...." He said flatly and the dragon arched it's great neck and it lowered its massive head till it was above Brendon, who stepped back in fright, the dragon looks at the wing and it bent its neck down and it ran its rough tung over the wound, cleaning it.
"Now let us be going" it said sticking out it left paw in front of the teens "climb on"
"Thank you great dragon of the purple scales......if you don't mind me asking, great dragon, what is your name?" Eden asked and he carefully climbed up the great dragons for leg
"My name is Dayrta Lixaad my good hatchling" Dayrta said
"Oh and another question....are you a girl dragon or a dood?" Brendon asked and he sat down inbatween Dayrta's great shoulders
"Female and proud of it" she said, lifting her muzzle high "and one of the last dragonborns to fly the free sky's"
"Wait d-dragonborn? Holy I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE" Eden screeched happly
"Well then my good sir YOU ARE NOT ALONE"Dayrta roared with joy "now let's get out of here" and the great dragon took a step back and she shot forward with speed like no other, down the cave and out off another entrance, she ran of a few steps and then she through herself of the edge of the mountain falling for a few meters, Eden and Brendon screaming as well wether or not from the fact that they were riding on a dragon or at that they were falling, she snapped open her great wings, filling them with air before giving them one good hard flap and the dragon levelled off, gliding in between the great mountains, but their enjoyment was short lived as a loud screech sounded from the west
"Curs the stars" the dragon hissed and she twisted her head around and she saw seven wyverns following them, riders onto of their backs and the three in front let out sharp screeches
"Hold on" she roared and she pulled into a sharp dive, flying along the mountains, through arches and over tops, hoping to loose the wyverns, but that didn't happen
"You know what duck it" she hissed and with another beat of her great wings, the dragoness gained altitude, higher and higher the purple beast flew and yet the small winged, ragged breathed, pitfull clawed, weak scaled, oath breaking worms still followed.
"Why the fuck are they still following us!?" EDEN scram over the wind as he tighten this grip on the spine in front of him.
'They protect their so calmed end territory' Lix hissed, swinging her massiv left wing arm to the right and pulling them into a sharp turn. Now she flew head on towards the seven wryvens following. She parted her massive jaws and let loose a scream loud enough to shatter the rock cliff below them, she flared open her wings as far as she could, pulling them to a near stop before pitching forward and falling into a dive, she through back her right wing arm, flipping her over, her tough amethyst underplates shinning in the blood red sunset, she drew back her head and she filled her greats lungs with as much air as she could, the gaps in bertween her great scales glowed as the fire rushed throughout her being, from the fire glans under her stomach, it rushed through her wind pipe and she let loos a torrent of deep purple fire (that wasn't even the hottest she could bring forth) that blinded Brendon and Eden for a few moments, and one of the wyverns, one of the larger on with blue scales, was sent spiralling down, it's corps burning, along with the person atop it.
The dragoness let out a bellow and she flipped back the right way up and with another beat of her wings she flew right up under another wyvern, impaling it with her front horn and she shook the body away before snapping at the closest one's tail, with a good flick of her head she set the thing into the mountain. She roared again and she caught two others in her front claws before crushing them, she banked again and she slammed her tail into another one, breaking its wings and chest. EDEN and Brendon did what they could by firing fire and some form of acid(thanks to Brendon) at the rides, knocking them out of the saddles. Now the remaining two wyverns got the message and started to back off, but with a tug of the ropes tied around their back horns, the rides urged them on, only to meet a gory death, one had its heard ripped clean off and the other one? well that one vanished down Dayrta's throat, whole and alive.
Dayrta snorted and she tossed her head to the sky and she let out a savage roar.
"Holy shit......remind me to never piss you off again...."Brendon muttered loosening the grip on the spine in front of him
"I second that..."EDEN added looking down and the world below him
"Now let's find your village Eden, I presume you would want a change of clothing?" She said
And with that the dragon swung left, flying over the mountains to eden's villages
Time skip LELELEL~~~~<3
It was near nightfall by the time Dayrta made it to the village, and mind you it was not a small one, each building was well built, many of them littered the valley it called home, roads spun out like a spider web from the centre of the great town, a large tree with lanterns hanging on its great branches and Dayrta flew over head , thanking the stars for her dark colours scales to hide her and she looked over at Brendon who was taking in the sight with awe.
He dragon landed not to far from the village and let the two run wild, she then laid down, stretched out like a cat and started to clean herself from the blood from the fight.
Eden and Brendon wandered the streets looking at everything
"Man this place has grown..."Eden muttered, tucking his long brown hair behind his ear "when I left this place was about half its size..."
"Well who cares that place is awesome" Brendon muttered before looking down as woman who was walking past them gave him an odd look.
'Looks like they don't like people like me aswell' he thought
~time skip again~<3

Eden had gotten a set of new clothing, a long sleeved light blue top and dark blue jeans, he also brought some form of sash, it was made of leather, shaped like a cross, going over his shoulders and resting on his hips, each strap of leather was bound together with a round black circle of stone, a carving of a dragon was engraved into the stone. Now both the teens wandered around the place havering bought supplies for their journey and now we're just sightseeing for the hell of sightseeing
And Eden thought 'I'm surprised the people haven't noticed me yet' and he chuckled 'awe well that means I don't have to be coupes up in side the town hall anymore and geting fussed over by my mum'
"Hey you want to get out of here?" He asked
"Yeah why not" Brendon said and they made their was back to Dayrta

Death count: seven
Dead: Barely alive, Twist, Redsa and Monoply from Tasty. Zilla Storm, Crake and Torrent from Wobble craft

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