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Eden looked up and just made out the large shape of Lix. "Bout time" he muttered and he slowly closed the book, staring at the purple dragoness that flew at a rather quick pase towards them.
"Hey she's flying pretty fast. do to think she is o.k?" Brendon asked
"She looks fine......wait is she holding something?"
"Yeah she that a person?"
"Looks lik-wait it has wings......"
"Did she kill it?"
"No if she killed it she would've eaten it"
Lix pulled in her wings and she pulled into a steep dive. When she neared the ground she flared them open pulling them to a neat stop before landing. She looked down at the demon hybrid in her claws and she looked at the two teens and she said, well more like growled "hope you brought medical supplies, cause we're gunna need them" and she set down who ever was in her claws. The person or rather demon hybrid looked at the two teens. his blood red hair, draped over his right eye and the end was dyed a deep magenta colour, lightly blowing in the wind along with his long Aqua scarf, he wore a dark blue long sleeved top with a light blue t-shirt over top, he wore dark blue jeans and a pare of dark pink runners, tilting his head to the side and he looked up at the dragon with bright pink eyes.
Silence followed
"They fell into my cave" Lix said suddenly, not taking her eyes off the hybrid who didn't say a word.
"No I will not eat them.........why would you think that?"
More silence
"Sometimes I wonder what goes on inside your brain" she mumbled. the hybrid huffed before looking back at the two and smiled despite his injuries.
Eden cleared his throat and said "well I have no idea what just happened but um yeah we should probably help this guy......what's your name?" He look up at the hybrid who towered above him and the hybrid just blinked
" you even understand what I'm saying?" And the hybrid nodded
" um you gunna talk or something?"
'Yes' the hybrids voice echoed in Eden's mind suddenly
"Wait what the whaaaat.........."
'Sorry it just takes time to open up a mental communication path with strangers' the voice said again
"Um bro you look like you've seen a ghost" Brendon said looking at the demon hybrid carefully
"What um well er well I don't know but this guy talks by mental communication or something like that" Eden replied and he looked over at Dayrta who was watching on with much amusement
'That's caues I'm a mute' he voice said with in Brendon's mode resulting in him jumping back and tripping over his feet and falling over.
"Ok so um...........yeah back to my original question.........who are you?" Eden said stifling a laugh
'My name is Braken'
"That's a weird name"
"Yeah so is Eden" Brendon said picking himself of the ground and dusting himself off
"Shut up Brendon....."
'Um so anyone gunna help me with my arm or am I just going to sit here and wait'
"Oh so that's what Day meant about medical stuff" Brendon said rummaging through his pack "don't worry I bough some stuff"
"Well I healed him as best as I could on the way here but even dragons have their limits" Dayrta said settling down and resting her head on her front paws "especially young dragons like me"
"Wait how old are you?" Eden asked looking the dragon in the eye
"Nearing my fithteeth thousand year or in dragon yeas, fifteen"
"Told you" Eden said looking over at Brendon
"Shut up"
Braken looked from one teen to the other then at Lix.
'Why does the angel hybrid look familiar?' He asked her
'He is related to a person that you friend hates mostly' she said back
The massive dragon snorted, her breath turning to fog as she yawned revealing all her fangs.
"Found them" Brendon called taking out a role of bandages and a vile of pink glowing liquid
"Wait how did you get the healing potion?" Eden asked
"I kind of.......'borrowed' it" he said with a slight grin and the dragon chuckled.

"Hey Lix when is that storm coming again"
"Looks like in a few hours...." She said "so finding a cave would be preferable, 'specially for Brak over here" and the hybrid nodded
"Well cave it is.............question anyone know were one is?" Brendon said looking around
"Nope" Brendon said lifting his pack on his shoulder.
'I think I saw one when we where flying here'
"Well that's a start"
"I know this place like the back of my paw, there is plenty over caverns around that can comfortably house us until the end of this storm" Dayrta said "in fact their is one only little was back from here"
"Yey now we can get out of this freezing wind"Eden said "to the cave" and he ran off. Then he ran back "other wayyyyy then and Dayrta chuckled
"Follow me" the dragon said and she pulled herself to her paws and she turned and started walking East, her tail dragging along the ground and the three followed and Brendon looked over at Braken
"So where do you come from?"
'The other side of these mountains'the hybrid said bordly
"Really!?what'sitlikeoverthere,isitcool, whatkindofanimalsareoverthere,whatabouttheblackfort,isitstillstaning,dopeoplelivethere,whyamifanboyingoverthis?"
'Ummmmmmmmm ok then........'
In that time of walking Braken managed to wrap up his arm. Then the dragon shook her head and sneezed earning a laugh from the three following
"Laugh all you want boys, just because I didn't sneeze on you, that ain't mean I won't and that won't end well" she growled "cause Eden here might survive the heat"
"Yeash your mood went down like the wind" Brendon muttered
'She is just sooking cause she didn't  eat anything' Braken said looking up at the stars and he continued sounding more like a child  'pretty stars'
"Well the cave is coming up" Dayrta mumbled and she looked up at the massive mountain looming above them "let get on with it....." The beast lowered herself to the ground and the three climbed on.
With three  big flaps of her greats wings, she was in the air, gaining high with each flap. she came to a hover at the entrance, holding out her forearm and grabbing the ledg. the three carefully walked along the massive limb, and into the darkness of the cave. "You all might want to move" Lix growled as she pulled away from the ledg and flew of. Pulling a U-turn she flew at the cave, pulling in her wings close, she dived straight into the cave, she grabbed the ground with her front legs, pulling her forward and she did a running stop.
"What was awesom" Eden yelled from the back of the cave
"Glad this place is big enough for all of us" the angel hybrid muttered as he waved his hand and vines and wood ripped out of the ground and died in a pile. Eden soon set the pile alight and they all sat around the flames. Lix layed out stretched like a cat with her wing blocking the cave entrance, keeping out the now growing wind that howled out side. 'Not a moment to soon' Braken muttered 'so' he said turning his attention to the two 'so you come from the other side of the ranges?'
"Yep" Brendon said leaning against Dayrta's tail
'So you're listeners'
''What?" Eden asked looking up from bending the fire into shapes of animals.
'Listeners, people who can't make EDM'
"EDM what?" Brendon asked leaning forward
'Music that is like a weapon.....'
"HA I TOLD YOU THEY EXSISTED" Brendon yelled jumping up and point  at Eden "I TOLDED YOOOOOOOOOOU HA"
"Yeash ok ok no need to bust my ear drums" Eden mumbled running his ears
"So anyway this EMD stuff....can it bet tougt ?" The fire bender asked
'With time, yes'
"Well I think I have some degree of it"
'How so?
"Well...." Eden lifted his hand and the few notes of a song echoed through out the cave, each one sounded like a melody of a sad song full of feels
"Wait I though every one could do that" Brendon said with wide eyes "looks like I'm wrong......"
'Well I'm not surprised, I mean you look like the one to creat EDM, but mind if I listen to what you can create?'
"Sure" Brendon said happliy and he closed his eyes and the cave somewhat darkened, the notes of a song rang out, each one varying emotion, from sadness to joy, not long after the notes ran out did light fill the cave, bright orange flecks flew around most to the beat an the sound of the wind howling outside died down. The whole world seemed to stop and listen. And just like it started it ended and the world grew back to normal.
'You where not shitting about that...........' Braken said after a full minute of silence 'not even beginners can creat that level of music........'

Death count: seven


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