Who the hell are you?

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The teen stared outside the cave mouth and he sighed, it had to be at least midnight or past it, every time he tryed to sleep it would always slip away not to mention that the scars of his previous location where giving him no rest, few of them had healed over but a few where still leaking blood, much to his disliking. He rested his head against the cave wall and he closed his eyes to prevent the tears from falling -well Eden this is better the being out their......or back in that hell hole- he thought and he shivered-I wonder if I still have my powers?- he looked at his have and a small spark lit up in his palm and it spread till it covered his whole hand "well atleast I still have something" he sighed and he clenched his hand and the orange flame died. One bolt of lightning found its way a few meters from the cave, lighting up the inside with a sudden flash of light that made Eden shield his eyes and curse at the gods, and the thunder was defining -F***ing hell- he cursed in his mined and he tapped his fingers on the stone ground creating a small tune and then he begun to sing "oh we're out of time, the final call is calling and the light falls lightly between us, before tomorrow come and it all is lost again, the ashes burn down brightest, when we have every thing to lost, before tomorrow comes and it is all lost again, the ashes burn down brightest when we've got every thing to lose So scribble me out, mistakes erased , forgotten, life goes on" he sung sweetly to the air thinking no one would hear it but he was wrong, only then did he head a thump from out side the cave.
Brendon dared himself to fly in the storm and to the rest of the way to the mountains but with a sudden change in wind speed he was forced to land and walk the rest of the way, but how ever the wind wasn't so kind and it pulled at his wings even when they were pressed right against his body, so Brendon had no choice but to vanish them that however left him cold and down right grim, not to mention that the strings were visible for all to see and that only worsened his mood. He walked along an old game path when the sky lit up with lightning and the thunder roared again -great....- he thought and he continued on, but then lightning struck one out the mountains, highlighting the rock face and the cave that was lay open like a beasts jaws, waiting for something to wander in and fall wrath to it hunger, Brendon shook his head once the thunder had rolled past and he could of sworn he heard a beast of some form screech in terror and he could of sworn he saw something dart across the sky, but it was dark and he shrugged it of as a bird or something like that (trust me Brendon YOU ARE SO WRONG MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH). He muttered something and he slowly made his was up a small hill to see if their was a suitable way to get to the cave and he was relieved to see and easy way up. He light blue wings reformed onto his back and he lept into the air and with one good flap he was in the air, but then he could of sworn he had heard singing and singing meant people hopefully the good kind not the kind that wants to eat your face, but his relief was short lived with the wind suddenly got vilont and with one blow, Brendon was sent into the mountain side, nearly breaking his left wing in the process, he quickly retracted his wings and he used to puppet strings to latch onto rocks and ledges. He slowly climbed down the mountain side and he dropped infront of the caves enterance with a solid thump and he could he down he heard someone gasp from inside -yup normal  people.....or person- he thought and he slowly made his way inside the dark abyss. "Um hello?" He called, his voice echoing of the walls "is their anyone here....most preferred a sane human". He heard movement and he only barely dodged out of the was as a ball of fire shot past -great a dragon , my night just gets better-he thought and he sent one on the strings lashing out and it hit its mark, what ever the hell had attacked him, and he decided to do something risky, he muttered a word and fire raced along the string and into his hand and he shot it at where he thought the thing was after he had retrieved the string, the fire ball collided with the back cave walk lighting up the place and a dull boom followed soon after, but the light had illuminated a figure as it dodged out of the way, another fire ball shot past him and he sent one in return  but this time he lashed out with the puppet strings and one wrapped around the persons leg and he fell over with a yelp. Eden looked up fearfully and he tried to pry the string away from his leg but to no avail then another string wraped around his hand and it twisted his wrist sharply to the right, nearly breaking (oh god auto correct changed it to Braken XD) it and he let out a yelp and fire lit up in the persons hand who had attacked him and he nearly pooped himself(what? I have the maturity of a four year old). He saw a person around his age  with nearly white skin and glowing orange eyes, his orange-brown hair was dripping with rain, the skin around his mouth was nearly pitch black and it twisted up into a grin and two slits ran over his eye and they where the same dark colour, both those features nearly blocked out the fear and the confusion in the teens eyes and at the fact that he was the owner of the strings that was holding him in place. Eden tried to back away and the teen looked at him and the strings snapped away and the hostility of the persons seemed to vanish but the strings were still posed to strike, and that's when they both snapped "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?"
Death count: none

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