Chapter 7 - Dilation

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I hand them the cans of coke and sit back down while gulping mine down.

She smiles with a bit of relief then turns to Jason and they start speaking. Most of the things they say to each other doesn't make sense but I sit with a straight face and pretend to understand.

"She isn't so deep into the programme. Just 3 or 4 sessions and we can get her back with all her memories." says Sheena.

"That's going to take at least a month. So we have to stay here for a month?!" Jason replies with a little anger. I can't help but familiarize with his deep voice.

"Hey! I will do whatever it takes to get her out of the programme. She needs to get back to the real world. She needs to see her parents! She is the key to defeating the system! And don't for a second act like you don't need her! Ever since they took her you've been like a living corpse!" Sheena shouts then starts to cry.

Jason holds her shoulders and comforts her. He looks at me and then sobs words out of his mouth, "We will save her. You know how much she means to me. I will stay as long as I need to if it means getting her back".

I mean a lot to him?

They both compose themselves and Sheena comes and sits in front of me on her knees.

I must mean a lot to them for them to feel so much emotion towards me.
I look at Sheena who still has a gleam of tears in her eyes and say,

"I don't know why I'm so important to you or him or the system or whatever but please tell me everything I need to know. Everything you say to each other confuses me. Your embrace comforts me. His presence comforts me. Why? Tell me the rest of the story. Explain to me!".

I almost shout the last part but when I'm done Sheena holds my hands in hers and says, "We don't need to tell you anything, it's already in your memory. After 4 sessions of dilation you will remember everything and then you will understand."

Jason stands behind her and speaks to me for the first time, "You still have a choice. You can decide if you want this or not". He reaches into his pocket and takes out a short silver pen-like stick with 3 prongs sticking out of the end. "This will prompt your memories and remove the block the programme has on them. We can start your first session in about 20 minutes if you say so..."

I reach out and take the stick from him. I feel a slight tingle when my fingers brush over his palm. This boy is connected to me in some way and I need to find out how. I look into his eyes full of pain, sincerity and mostly love. A deep kind of love.

"If you say yes there's no going back" says Sheena.

Before I can even think about it everything in me forces the words "I'm ready to do this" out of me. I have to do this! I have to! All this is not a coincidence nor is it a dream. It's all real and I have to find out the truth behind all of this. It feels so right.

I lean back with Jason and Sheena on either side of me. They both smile warmly.

"This might hurt but only for a few seconds" Jason says as he slowly inserts the stick into my arm. I squirm a little but then the pain slowly subsides.

Sheena holds my hand and massages it softly as I drift away into a deep sleep. Jason removes the stick then kneels next to me and watches me doze off with so much hope in his green eyes. And those green eyes are the last thing I remember.


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