Chapter 13 - Chosen

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Sheena sits in the driver’s seat of her silver car while I sit in the back. We’re waiting for Jason to get out of the house but it seems he takes longer than a girl to get dressed. No, literally. He takes about 20 minutes longer than me! Sheena presses the hooter every once in a while which is clearly not making a difference.

After what seems like an eternity he finally walks out casually and jumps into the back next to me. The car starts and we drive off towards school. Sheena turns on the radio and changes the station to Classic FM. Jason and I look at each other, one face reflecting boredom off the other.

I take out my phone and open the SMS I received last night from Sheena. I hand it to Jason and watch as he reads out the words silently.

‘I will be driving you and Jason to school tomorrow. Please be ready at 7:15 sharp.’

It’s ironic that it is now 7:45 ‘sharp’ and her own son made us late. School started 15 minutes ago! A feeling of anger lingers inside me.

He laughs silently and whispers; “You should have heard the lecture I got last night for ‘endangering’ your life! You should be lucky all you got was an SMS forcing you to be on time.”

“This is not what I meant by ‘go to school together’. And I certainly did not anticipate being late!” I whisper back with a straight face.

I take back my phone I turn to the front to speak to Sheena.

“Sheena, if you don’t mind, I would like to drive myself to school tomorrow. I do not like being treated like a kindergarten kid and I certainly do not appreciate being late to top it off. If you’re going to use words like ‘7:15 sharp’ at least try to get your own son to be on time!”
Heat races to my face and I know my anger has been let loose.

Who does she think she is to order me around?

Sheena stops the car in front of the Centrum. She turns and I notice a shocked expression on her face. Jason’s face mirrors hers for once. Sheena starts to reply but before she can say anything I storm out of the car angrily and close the door. Jason soon follows and has to run to catch up with me. I pick up speed and walk straight to class ignoring Jason.

Dina raises an eyebrow when I walk into class late, tailed by Jason. I sit down next to her and mouth to her; “Don’t even ask”. I think she noticed the anger and sadness in my eyes because she didn’t push the matter further. I can’t tell her about the morning scene because then I would have to tell her everything and she doesn’t need to know… at least not yet.

The day goes by quickly and before I know it, it’s the last lesson of the day. Surprisingly, Triston walks in 10 minutes before the end of the lesson.

What is the leader of the officials doing here?

“Good day students!” he says beamingly before continuing.
“As you all know graduation is in less than 3 weeks and jobs need to be chosen. Now, as I mentioned in the community meeting 2 students are being chosen to become officials. I am here to announce the 2 chosen students.”

He takes a list out of his pocket and reads the 2 names.

“Al… Alannah Connor and Dina Costello! Can you come to the front so I can congratulate you!”

Dina and I shoot up immediately and walk towards Triston. He showers us in a series of handshakes and congratulations. I look at Hayley and Josh who both hold wide congratulating smiles on their faces. I look over to Jason who looks worried. Terrified actually! My anger instantly disappears and is replaced with curiosity.

After school Dina and I chat a little more about being chosen and a while later she jumps into her car and drives off. I notice Jason walking towards the familiar silver car with Sheena waiting in the driver’s seat. I run after him and stop him a couple metres away from the car.

“Hey! Sorry for ignoring you today… I was angry… uhm are we, like, okay?” I ask sincerely.

He looks at me and I notice his face is still full of worry.

“There’s no such thing as sorry in lov... I mean friendship, Ally. It’s okay but we need to talk about you being chosen.”

“Why? You weren’t happy… you were… scared?”

“They’re going to kill you, Al! They’re going to kill you and Dina”

“Wha…” I try to reply but shock and fear silence me. I stand wide eyed, gawking at Jason.

He kicks a stone on the ground and walks to towards the car. Somewhere in the midst of my shock I decide to walk home so I pass the car not even glancing at Sheena and head home.

They’re going to kill me? And Dina?


Hey guys I know this is kinda a boring chapter but it's needed for the plot so just be patient with me :)

Sorry for updating after so long but I am a Hindu and it was Diwali (The Festival of Lights) so I was busy ☻ I hope you guys understand
Happy Diwali to all my Hindu readers

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