Chapter 9 - Memories

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My father walks through door and, as usual, announces his arrival. He tried to hide his tiredness with his beaming smile. His tall figure is slumped and his growing beer belly makes itself known. His unshaven beard ages him along with his blue overalls. Mum will probably force him to be clean shaven and formally dressed for dinner tonight with the Carters'.

I waste no time before dragging him into the kitchen and tugging his overall bottoms as a signal to pick me up. Once I'm up I lean and give him a peck on the cheek before bragging that I was the one that chopped up the carrots. He picks up the pot lid and breaths in the over 'goodly smelling' soup mom made for starters. I grab a spoon and scoop some soup which I practically shove into his mouth. He savours the hot soup and then lets out an array of compliments to the chef and her assistant which so happens to be me.

"Dylan?! Is Al rubbing off some of her bad habits onto you?" My mum scowls sarcastically from behind us. She takes me from his arms and puts me down before pecking him on the cheek.

"I'm afraid so honey but this soup is amazing so I don't mind the scowling" my dad replies.

"You should go shower and shave. Carter and Sheena will be here soon." Mum says as she pushes dad to the bathroom.

"And Jason! And Jason! He's coming too!!" I chime and they both laugh before dad disappears into the passage.

Mum sits me down on a chair and hums as she lays the table for six. Four adults and two little 10 year olds.


Jason and I get bored of the adult talk at the table and go to the lounge to play. After an hour or so the adults join us in the lounge and switch on the TV for the 8 o' clock news. Jason and I sigh but continue to play our game of snakes and ladders softly.

I look over at mom and Sheena as they laugh. They look so lovely in their similar floral dresses and each women still manages to look unique and feminine in their own way.

And then I look over to the two men who have been forced into formal wear for the night. They complain about Saturday's rugby game and both shift uncomfortably every once in a while from their fitted clothing.

Carter and Sheena have always got along with my parents since they first moved to Allandale.

Finally I look over to my best friend, the most irritating person alive, Jason. He may get on my nerves 99% of the time but after 5 years of growing up together as neighbours I guess I've gotten used to it. He's become such a close friend I don't know what I'd do without him. Who would I play with? Or bully to do my homework?

I stare at the smiles on each of their faces and I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I feel like one of those princesses from a fairy-tale where everything is always good and there's always a happy ending.

I suddenly remember I need to dice and look over to Jason who's waiting impatiently.

"Dice already!" he whines and I do. I'm in the lead so far and I've bragged so much Jason is just waiting for me to slip up. I move my counter and get bitten by a snake sending me right back to the bottom which sends Jason into a semi-victory tribal dance. He earns a few giggles from the adults in the room. I join in and laugh at his ridiculousness.

I look around at the people in the room once again. Things should stay this way forever!

Unfortunately 'forever' wasn't that long in our case...


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