Chapter 14 - Get Me Ready

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When I finally reach home I see Sheena standing in front of her house, speaking on the phone. I decide to talk to her and sort out whatever issues we may have between us. As I walk towards her I can't help but listen in on her phone conversation.

"Just 2 more dilations for Alannah, we only need 3 dilation sessions... yes... Dylan, I must warn you... your daughter has changed... the circumstances seem to have changed her... yes... yes... she's very attached to the life that she has in the programme... No... Okay... I'll speak to her about it and convince her... no worries... okay I'll report back tomorrow... goodbye Dylan"

Dylan? Is she talking to my dad? Have I really changed?

Sheena cuts the call and notices me standing next to her.

"Hey Ally. I didn't see you there. You need anything?"

"Uhm... Not really, I just wanted to apologise for my behaviour earlier. I... I just have been living this independent life for so long that it's going to take me a while to get used to the changes... I'm... I'm sorry Sheena"

"Ally you're a teenager. Such behaviour is expected. And it's even more acceptable from you because I've just popped up out of nowhere and now I'm ordering you around. Let's get a cup of coffee and we can talk more, okay?"

I nod and she wraps her arm over my shoulder as we walk into her house.

"I've managed to debug the house so The System won't be able to listen or see anything that goes on in the house" she says as she switches the kettle on.

Sheena and I sit for about an hour talking about how many more changes will occur in my life and that she will help deal with them in whichever possible. Sheena's motherly nature is so nurturing that my anger soon disappears. After we've become comfortable with each other again, I decide to bring up what Jason told me earlier.

"Hey Sheena... Earlier on Jason told me 'they' are going to kill Dina and me? Who is 'they'? And why would they want to kill me or Dina?" I ask.

I immediately notice the change of expression on Sheena's face.

"I knew you would ask me that. Let me try and explain. You know that every year they choose one graduating student to be trained as an official to work in the higher floors of the Centrum. The truth is, there is no higher floors of the Centrum. The tallness of the Centrum is an optical illusion created by the programme. There is no such thing as officials. The officials that we see are just a part of the programme, they don't exist. They're almost like holograms."

"What? So what happens to the people who are chosen?"

"Remember what Jason told you about the overpopulation problem?"

I nod and she continues.

"Well, even after all these years, it's still a problem. So every year a person is chosen from each of the programmes. This 'lucky' person is murdered and replaced by a computerized version of themselves in the programme. A hologram of the chosen person takes over their life. This is why no one gets suspicious. In the Hershell programme this year, you and Dina were chosen, meaning..."

"...meaning that we're the 'lucky' people chosen to die. But why did they choose two people this year? Why not just one as usual?" I finish her sentence and ask.

"That's Jasons and my fault. You see, when Jason and I entered this programme we upset the numbers so to return the numbers back to normal two people must leave the programme just as we had entered it. Unfortunately those two people are you and Dina."

"So they are going to kill me?"

"Yes... but it's only scheduled for the night of graduation so we have time. And if all goes as planned we'll be out of the programme and back into the real world by then." She replies.

"But Dina?! She's my best friend! I can't just let her die!" I say.

"That's exactly why we need to get out and shut down the programme! We've all lost friends in this 'war' and we need to stop it before we lose anyone else. That's why we need you, Ally. Billions of people are subconsciously stuck in these computer programmes living fake lives! The System thinks we're weak but we have got to show them we have the power to defeat them!"

Sheena's words seem to power an anger in me. An anger for being stuck in a world that doesn't exist. An anger towards the people enslaving others and killing them mercilessly. But mostly an anger towards the people that have separated me from my parents and friends.

"Then let's put up a hell of a fight and beat The System!"

"That's all I needed to hear, Ally! Now we just need to get you ready!"

Get me ready?


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