Chapter 10 - Best friends

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From the time my little brain started storing memories until that very day I remember everything as clear as daylight. I strain my mind to try and remember past that day of my 10th year but...nothing! Nothing! I know for sure if I ask Sheena or Jason they'll tell me to wait until the next dilation. The thought of waiting a whole 6 days for the next dilation frustrates me. Five of those 6 days will waste away at school but the need to know more will weave its way in.

I know for sure something horrible happens the next day and the thought weighs in mind unrelentingly.

My thoughts are interrupted by the doorbell. I walk to the door and open it to find Jason standing there.

"Uhm...Come on in" I say trying my best to hide my excitement.

"Hey I hope you don't mind me coming but I just wanted to check up on you after the dilation" he says and walks right past me.

I close the door and follow him into my house. He glides into the lounge and falls into one of the sofas.

Now that's the Jason I know! Well the little part I know...

"So? How are you feeling? Are you in any pain or discomfort? Do you need any help clarifying some memories?" he asks trying to sound as professional as possible.

I laugh at him and throw myself on the seat next to him. "Sheena told you to come here and get a report on me, didn't she? From what I remember of you so far you never struck me as the 'How you feeling?' type of guy" I ask while still laughing.

He joins me and our laughter choruses together in a familiar melody. A sound I love to hear.

"You know how mum can be sometimes. I don't think you need the rest of your memories to know that!" he says.

We both sit laughing a little longer until he stops and places his hand over mine. He looks at me with happiness in his eyes. It's not until I look deeper that I see the slight glint of sadness that comes with it.

"I've missed this you know" he says. "I've missed us and the many laughs we've had over the years. I've missed my best friend. Not having you around for two years made me into a different person entirely"

I turn my hand over and grab his, squeezing it in a reassuring way. "Well now that I'm back I want the old Jason back. The one that did my homework. The one that fought with me over stupid things. But most of all..." I pause and turn to look directly in his eyes "...the one that breaks into random tribal dances when he's winning at something"

Jason bursts out into a laugh and punches me playfully in my shoulder. I involuntarily lay down with my head on his lap. It feels like an action that has been done many times before. We sit like this and talk for what seems like hours. It was only when Jason's stomach rumbled that we moved and went to make food.

"You want tomato sauce?" I shout from the kitchen.

"Yep and bring the mustard as well" I hear him reply.

We sit down to eat the hotdogs I quickly whipped up and I decide to ask Jason something that's been on my mind the whole time.

"I know I should wait for the next dilation but... can you tell me what happened the next day after your family came for dinner? It was when we were 10 and we..."

I stop immediately when I notice Jason stiffen. His face becomes expressionless. His body motionless. My suspicion is confirmed. Something bad did happen the next day.

I feel the temperature in the room descend as the words slip out of my mouth.

"Jason, what happened on that day?"


Okay so this is where the story really starts!!

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The SystemOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora