The trouble begins

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In NEST's base. A large truck pulls up inside as a tanoy is activated, “Prime entering the building.” The truck was followed by a yellow Chevrolet camero with black racing stripes. They both stopped in front of the main hub in the room. The room was just as it's ever been. A man in his mid thirties walked forwards. He was wearing a long white coat and had black hair. He was looking at a clip board in his hands. Sam looked up to see his wife, Carly, get out of the Camero and run up the stairs to him. She pulled him into a hug and kissed him. Lennox walked forwards and patted Sam on the shoulder. “Guys, Optimus looks pissed.” He said, anxiously.

They turned and saw a giant robot behind the truck. He waved at them, “Hi Bumblebee.” Sam said. He looked down at the truck as it transformed. It grew and mutated into another giant robot, like Bumblebee, only bigger, and red and blue. This robot had more authority about him. Optimus prime smashed his hand on the railing, crushing it. The humans jumped backwards. Optimus put his face right in front of the three humans. “How did this happen?” He demanded, threateningly. “What?” Asked Carly. “The boy!”

“What boy?”

“Yours.” Optimis said, pointing at Sam. He gulped. How did the leader of the Autobots know about his son. “You promised never to keep secrets.” Optimus sounded disappointed and betrayed. “But he's harmless.” Carly said, defensively. Optimus glared at them, “Right?” Sam asked.

* * *

Adam sat upright in his bed. He was sure he'd heard something. A car? But they didn't live near a road. The only cars that came around here were his parents or guests. He looked out his window and saw a green Chevrolet Beat on his drive. He was a real car enthusiast. In fact, he loved anything to do with technology. But they didn't have one of them. Did they?

He walked back to his bed. What time is it? Judging by the light outside, it's late morning. He looked at his clock. Oh no! It's eleven in the morning! He ran around his room putting on his school uniform. He was putting on his right shoe, trying not to get the lace stuck in his hands wiring. He had always had a problem with that. Adam was on his way down the stairs when he remembered, it's a saturday, no school. He felt stupid. He smashed his hand on the wall by the stairs and smashed through into the bathroom. Oops. “Adam?” His mother called up the stairs. She was used to this by now. Lucky his dad knew DIY, although he didn't really have a choice. Raising Adam was never easy for them. Who would find it easy?

Adam gulped as water began dripping through the hole he made. His mother poked her head around the corner and gasped, but not at the hole, “Why are you in your uniform?” She asked. “I, um, thought it was Friday.” Replied Adam, innocently. His mum tutted and spun him around. She took him back to his room and got out some clothes for him. “I can choose my own clothes you know.” Adam complained. “Well, you never seem to do it very well.” True, he never was very good at choosing clothes that went well. He didn't care so long as he could just look at vehicles and other electronic devices. He never knew why he liked them so much, he just did. Plus he could make new things. Well, he knew that his designs would work, but never had time to make them. “So, when did you get the new car?” Asked Adam. He knew they were tight on money so how the bloody hell did she get that! “Your dads boss gave it to him.”


“Don't know, but we're getting another one soon, for me.”

“Really? What is it?”

“A Chevrolet Trax I think.”

“Both Chevrolet?”

“Yes, why?”

“No reason, I just wanted a Camero, that's all.” Adam complained, “you should be grateful we're getting these.” His mum defended, that boy was so strong willed. If only he knew why.

* * *

Mudflap walked forwards onto the NEST runway. He looked at the plane that would be taking him to England, “But it's tiny!” He complained. How was he going to fit in there? Optimus walked up behind him, “You will remain in vehicle form until I give you the signal. Me and Bumblebee will follow you in a few days with Sam. Do not draw attention to yourself.” He said, giving Mudflap a stern look, “Is it really wise to send the twins Optimus?” Asked Ratchet, walking out of the base. “We have no choice. Something is happening with the Decepticons and the twins are the only available resource.” Optimus almost sounded sad with these words, “So why not send Bumblebee now?” Ratchet continued his argument, “Bumblebee is a brave soldier. He will remain here until it is safe to go after the boy.” Optimus was wise, maybe too wise. He was right, something was happening with the Decepticons. Something that would put the entire human race in more danger than it's ever been.

* * *

Out in a baron wasteland somewhere in space. The once Almighty Cybertron, alone in the Galaxy. But there was something happening on the wasteland. Something was stirring in the stone and old machinery. Someone was returning.

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