Under attack

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“Autobots, protect the base. The Decepticons cannot get to the boy.” Optimus roared. The Autobots ran forwards, their weapons forming on their arms. Lennox called to his team. A series of war vehicles came out of the base. There was up to a thousand Decepticons attacking the base. Optimus ran out, closely followed by the other Autobots. Guns began blazing all over the base. Vector seemed extraordinarily agile for his age. He charged into battle with his blades out.

The old Prime sliced at on of their heads, then jumping over his back and stabbing the Decepticon next to him. Optimus connected blades with another Decepticon, then Ratchet came out of nowhere and ripped the Decepticons head off. Optimus nodded his thanks and ran back to help with the battle.

Bulkhead drove out of his hanger and transformed. He thumped the floor and rose to his feet. The cannonball already out. He charged, swiping at the evil robot aliens attacking their safe house. Landmine jumped forwards, his arms as guns. They shot small cannons at oncoming Decepticons, helped by Bumblebee and Hotshot. Sideswipe wheeled around the place, swiping at passing Decepticons. Mirage was crouching and jumping into oncoming enemies.

Thunderblast ran out of the base with Leadfood (waddling), Roadbuster and Topspin. They ran, and in one case waddled into battle. Thunderblast jumped onto Leadfoots head, using him as a catapult. She fired her guns as she spiralled over the Decepticons. Leadfoot looked up at Thunderblast and cursed, “You bitch!” He then thumped a small Decepticon with his large stomach, sending it flying, knocking over several other Decepticons, where Bumblebee and Mirage shot them.

The humans were running around, shooting the alien threat. Lennox was screamng commands to the troops. He looks around and notices the kid, Adam, wasn't there. He looked around, but couldn't see him anywhere. He told the NEST team to hold their positions until he got back and ran inside.

* * *

“OW!” I screamed. I'd tried to scan the bike that Vector had given me, but now my body was writhing in pain. Everything hurt, apart from my right arm, which now had some colour to it, like it was made from parts of a bike. “Adam, calm down.” I could hear someone saying. It sounded like a woman, my mother maybe? Then, as I huddled onto the floor, I heard more footsteps. “What's wrong?” Was that Lennox? Why wasn't he with his team? I opened my eyes and looked at them. I could tell by the looks on their faces that there was something wrong with them. I clutched my face and began rolling around on the floor.

“He wasn't ready for the change. It's going to be a slow process.” I could hear what sounded like my dad saying. Then, two, rough hands grabbed my shoulders and shook my eyes open. Although Lennox winced at the sight of my eyes, he continued looking at me. “Listen Adam, you're not ready for this. Give up, your powerful enough as you are, just give up.” These words meant so much to me. Almost immediately the pain ceased in my body. I slouched to the floor and gasped for breath. “Are you OK?” Lennox asked me. I looked up at him and nodded. “OK, lets go kick some Decepticon ass.” He grabbed my flesh arm and pulled me up.

It was only now I noticed my flesh arm was missing, well, flesh. There were patches of metal all over it. That was to think of later. I ran outside to kill some Decepticons. I could feel my right arm vibrating like it was before, but this time I tried to control it. I could feel my balled fist retract into my arm and feel the structure pulled apart and moved around, then, after three seconds or so, a canon formed on the end of my arm. I could feel it as it rolled and clicked into place. Then, somehow, I jumped four feet year into the air and shot a Decepticon. It was the strangest sensation as the energy bolt formed in my fist before being fired at the evil alien robot. It fell to the floor with a hole in it's stomach. Just to be sure, I stood on it's face, crushing it.

I turned and saw my parents looking worried by the door to the base. In my peripheral vision I saw three, rather small, Decepticons charging at them with their blades ready. I ran forwards to save them, knowing even then that I wouldn't make it in time. Then, out of nowhere, Skids flew into two of them, smashing them apart. Then, I was filled with new confidence. I jumped forwards, Bumblebee swinging around to give me a boost. I flew towards the Decepticon and jabbed my right arm into it's chest, and fired my cannon. It blew to pieces. Mudflap then ran forwards and hi fived Skids. “Ready to go again?” Skids nodded. So, with his big arm, he grabbed Skids large arm and swung him around his head, releasing him and sending him flying towards Decepticons.

I watched as Vector Prime and Optimus Prime worked together to fight against what looked like the leaders of the fleet that was attacking NEST. I recognised one as Blitzwing, he seemed to be at every battle. The other one was smaller, and fighting Hotshot, who was losing. The Decepticon threw Hotshot to the floor, it seemed to happen in slow motion. I watched, almost in slow motion, as my guardian hit the floor. I roared and ran forwards. I could see the bitchy trio, Leadfoot, Roadbuster and Topspin all barging into the army, knocking them over and apart. I could also see Blitzwing beginning to lose. But I wasn't paying attention to that, it was Hotshot I was here to save.

As I reached them, I saw the Decepticon with a blade, it was about to come down on Hotshots head, when I jumped and shot the blade, where it shattered. The Decepticon turned to face me and his eyes glowed red. Blitzwing saw this and called to his ally, “Barricade, we need him alive.”

In this brief distraction, Hotshot had got back up and thumped Barricade in the back of the head. The Decepticon fell to the floor. I could see Hotshot was handling it well, so I nodded to him and ran off to find someone else to kill. I jumped out the way as Mudflap was hurled in my direction by Skids, who then ran after his twin, apologizing as he ran past me. I spun around and saw Blitzwing swinging frantically at the two Primes. “Give me the Matrix, Prime!”

“What about the boy?” Optimus sounded bewildered, but not losing his concentration. “The boy can wait, now give me the Matrix!”


“Then die!” He was about to swing, if it made contact it would have been fatal, but Mirage jumped in at the last moment, grabbing Blitzwings head, he ripped out one of the Decepticons eyes. Blitzwing screamed and called for the Decepticons to retreat. Oh no they don't, they aren't all getting away. I saw Barricade and charged. He saw me and prepared for impact.

But I wasn't going to hit him. I aimed at his head and fired my gun. It his him square in the face, but I continued running. He stood perfectly still, in shock. So, I ran underneath him and shot him where the sun doesn't shine. Barricade fell over, still alive, so Hotshot came in and stabbed him in the Spark, killing him there and then.

Barricade was dead, and the base was safe. Sure, it was a mess, but it was safe. Blitzwing had escaped, in tact, but missing an eye, and the NEST headquarters was littered with the dead corpses of Decepticons.

I may not know much about this war, but I'd say that was pretty successful.

Right, this is my first authers opinion, I think. Anyway, I had so much fun writing this chapter. All action, and first person! So, please vote and comment. Would you like more swearing, more action. I can't promise anything, but I'll do my best. Just tell me what you want, and vote :)

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