The truth

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“I will return with the boy. Until then, I am leaving Bulkhead in command.” Optimus said, walking out of the NEST base. The base now has a new hanger for Bulkhead. He was stood in the door. He nodded at Optimus, who nodded back. Bulkhead walked back into his hanger, the faint sound of transformation could be heard. Next, the A400M drove out. “Can you manage without us, Landmine?” Optimus asked the soldier. “Of course. If your right, we can manage without Bulkhead.” He said, kicking the plane. He jumped back as an electric shock ran through his body. “It was a joke!” He complained, rubbing his foot.

Optimus turned and transformed. He and Sideswipe drove onto the plane and the door closed. Sam poked his head out of the pilots window and waved at Carly, who stood next to Thunderblast. The two girls had become best friends since she arrived on Earth. They would constantly go out on a river somewhere, or go on holiday, just the girls. But Sam loved her anyway. He waved, calling, “I'll make sure he's safe!”

“You'd better!” She yelled back, waving at her husband. Something inside her made her worry. She knew the Autobots could be trusted, but there was something telling her that Adam wouldn't be safe, not ever.

* * *

I woke up early the next morning. I couldn't sleep much after what happened last night. I could have sworn I saw Adam in his window. Jenny turned over and looked at me. “Big day today.” She said, sitting up. “Why?” I asked, confused. Oh God! I hope it's not our anniversary. “You'll see honey, you'll see.” She said, kissing me on the cheek. Two years and we're still going strong, and people say marriage is more a burden than a blessing. What a joke. I got up and had a shower.

When I got out I looked out of the window. I saw Hotshot in his rightful place, good. I looked over into the Witwicky garden and saw Adam, already up, stroking his car. He looked impressed.

* * *

Good cover up, I must admit. Either that or I had a crazy dream. I sat in the Camero and there, on the steering wheel, was that strange symbol, again. My dad walked out the house and dumped his stuff in the boot of the BEAT. If only he knew what his car actually was. “Dad?” I called from the drivers seat. He walked over, inquisitive. “Yes?” He responded, looking at me. I saw Leo walk out of his house, fully dressed. He put his stuff in the boot of the Mini. I knew he knew what the car was, I'd seen him last night. He saw the Camero and walked over, “What's with the symbol on the wheel on all the cars?” I asked. Dad turned pale, “Um.” He began. “Hey, nice car.” Leo interrupted, walking towards the car. “Yeah, you'd know, I thought.

“Thanks.” I said. I wasn't going to tell him I knew. Just let him work it out. “You'd better be off for school, Adam.” Dad said, giving Leo a thanking look. Did he know as well?

I still go to school. I'm a sixth former now, additional education, college, whatever. I was aloud a car and I still went with my old friends. Well, Harry stopped his education, but me, Sarah and Jenny stayed on at our school.

Driving to school I had time to think. What if it was all a dream? I mean, if it was real, wouldn't I feel hostile towards the cars now? But I still got that warm, comforting feel from them, the same as two years ago. Also, Leo seemed genuine when he complemented my car. It did feel good. Left hand drive, rear spoiler. It was a classic 2010 Camero, custom paint job. Dad had told me it was an added bonus. My dad had got all of the cars from the same place. Well, so I assumed. I'm sure now what I saw was nothing. Maybe it was a crazy dream. But it had seemed so real. Those giant robots. How could he have imagined that?

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