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Here we are again. This is where things get interesting. Sorry if it's a bit slow to begin with, I've been preoccupied. So, here you go :D Oh, and don't forget to vote and comment, if there's anything to comment on, just to remind you ;)

“Adam, I am sorry.” Vector apologized, walking towards me, kneeling down. Optimus and Ratchet were consulting behind the old Prime. The twins were using dead bodies to pretend fight. Sideswipe stood on the sidelines with most of the other Autobots, laughing at the twins and doing system checks.

“What for?” I asked the old Prime. I'd just had one of the best experiences of my life. Strange saying that about killing, but it was. I got a thrill from killing the Decepticons. Although I knew very little about the war between Autobots and Decepticons, while trying to scan that bike, I saw the war. I saw what Megatron did to the planet. Then, I saw what Megatron and Starscream had done to this planet. My precious Earth. But what I didn't expect to see, what I didn't want to see, was the future. “I'm sorry for showing you the future.” Vector said, like he'd read my thoughts. “Who is that?” I asked.

When I saw the future, I saw another planet, Cybertron. On Cybertron there was, is, whatever. The point is, there is a giant Decepticon factory, where they are making up to millions of Decepticons from the remains of dead bodies. And their leader. It wasn't Megatron, it was bigger, badder and meaner. “Galvatron. These are the things I did not want you to see.” Vector said, rising to his feet. “Why? What is there you aren't telling me?” I knew there was something. Vector just looked me, then walked away.

The next thing I knew I was being hugged by two people. It was rather tight, I could barely breath. “OK, guys, let go.” I gasped. My parents let me go and looked at me. They winced at my eyes. “OK, what is it about my eyes that is so scary?” I demanded. Before my parents could answer, Ratchet and Optimus walked over. I was quickly swept up by Ratchet and taken into the base. I could just hear some of the conversation between the Prime and my dad. “What's happening Optimus?”

“We must run more checks. We fear the process has been accelerated.”

“By what?”

“The intervention of-” And that's all I heard before I was put into some kind of metal container. I just stood there, looking around as I was poked and prodded by probes, had lights shone on me and had a suspicious looking cotton bud inserted into my gun arm. After that, I realised there was still a gun on the end of my right arm, so I turned it back. I could feel as the the launchers became robotic fingers again, and rest of the gun shrank and moulded into the palm of my hand.

I stepped out of the machine five minutes after walking in and faced a solemn looking crowd. My mother was the first to show something was wrong. She ran forwards and hugged me. “What's happening now?”

“The intervention of Vector Prime has accelerated the rate of the change. You will become full Autobot by the end of the month.” Ratchet said, walking forwards. I then found myself hugging my mum back. I looked up at Optimus, “So, is that why the flesh on my arm is fading? And why there's something wrong with my eyes?”

“Yes.” Optimus said, solemnly. Hotshot walked forwards as I broke the hug with my mum. He transformed and indicated for me to look in the mirror. I looked and gasped. My eyes were bright blue. But, they weren't just blue. It was like they were lights. They were identical to the Autobots eyes. Metal around the outside, and a bright blue light in the middle. And yet I could see perfectly, like they were normal. “What happened?” I asked, almost panicking. “The acceleration means there will be permanent changes to you. The only one we know of it the eyes.” Replied Ratchet.

I hadn't noticed, but Lennox was up on the main hub level, looking over. It was this point he called to Optimus. “Optimus, we have a message for you. It's urgent.” Optimus walked over and I walked up the stairs to meet my parents and Lennox by the screens. On each one was the face of a world leader. The President, the Prime minister of England. There were the leaders of China and Japan, and Italy, for some reason. Once I saw the faces, then I saw where they were. They were all in the same room. This is serious. The World leaders never get in the same room as eachother at the same time unless someone was going to die. A shiver went down my spine. The President was the first to speak. “I wish to see the leader of the Autobots.” Lennox was about to answer when a voice came from behind him. We turned and saw Vector looking at us. “Let him see.”

“Are you sure?” Sam, my father asked. Optimus nodded and stepped forwards. My dad lifted the camera to take in the Primes faces. “Which of you is in charge?” The President asked. Optimus looked at Vector, who nodded. “I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots sanctioned on Earth.”

“Good, we need to discuss the latest mishap at your base.” The Prime minister said. Wow, out here you can really hear the accent, I wondered what the Autobots thought I sounded like. “This was not a direct attack. It had it's aim.” Vector piped up, looking into the camera. “We understand that, but the Decepticons have still not left us alone. These attacks in the past two years have directed to one thing. The Decepticons are building an army, and a new warrior to lead them.” The President said. How are these people so cool about giant alien robots? “There is another reason for the latest attacks.” Optimus reasoned. “Really, I fail to see one.” The Prime minister said. This guys got guts. “Some eighteen years ago, our friends Sam and Carly Witwicky gave birth to a boy. The boy has high levels of radiation in his blood, passed down from both his parents. This radiation would have remained dormant if it was not for the intervention of Vector Prime.” At this point in Optimus' monologue, Vector walked away from the camera and stood outside. “He came, and then went. But before his arrival, the boy, Adam, lost his right arm in an accident. It was the idea of Vector for Ratchet, our medical specialist, to give him a robot arm. Without realising the implications of what he was doing, Ratchet gave him the arm.” At this point I lost interest and walked outside.

Vector was sat, playing with the dead body of a Decepticon outside. He looked at me when I walked out. “How does it turn out?” I asked, remembering he is the Time Prime. He shook his head and went back to his messing. “They will order you're immediate execution and the Matrix of leadership to be destroyed.”

“But I thought the matrix couldn't be destroyed, and if it is, it restores itself for the one who deserves it.” This was one of the things shown to me by Vector when I accidentally scanned him. “Wait, my execution?!”

“I'm sorry, this is all my fault. I came here to save Cybertron.” I didn't understand. I'm harmless. I know the Decepticons are after me, but this?

There was a loud crash inside the base. I'm guessing the leaders had reached a decision. I looked up at Vector, who grinned and got up. I turned and Bumblebee drove out with Hotshot, Skids and Mudflap. Skids door swung open and I climbed inside. I could see Lennox in the drivers seat of Mudflap, and my parents in Bumblebee. The other Autobots ran out of the base, gunfire blazing. What the hell is going on? Optimus transformed and drove out onto the road, the others followed suit. Vector had to take to the skies with Bulkhead.

We raced down the road, then Skids took a right turning randomly. “Whoa, what are you doing?” I turned and saw Hotshot doing the same. We stopped outside a café. The horns on the two Autobots blared and three people looked out the window. It was my foster parents and Leo. The scrambled to their feet and ran outside. Leo got in with me, and my parents took the Mini. “What's going on?!” Leo asked, looking at me. He flinched at my eyes. “Dude, what happened?”

“I'm slowly becoming an Autobot, and for some reason the Autobots are on the run or something.”

“Oh, great. Bloody great!” Leo yelled. “Oh, we've also lost the Autobots.” I said. That might be a slight, minor problem. Well, compared to what came around the corner behind us, it was. Three, armed NEST cars came tearing towards us. Skids and Hotshot shot forwards faster than any car I've ever seen and tore around the corner at the end of the street. We raced up the highway, weaving between cars. Behind us we could see the NEST cars. I turned to Leo, who was shaking like a scared little girl. “Are you always this bad?” Leo shook his head. The radio suddenly came to life and squealed between channels. “What you talking about Willis?” It said, like from Different Strokes. I laughed and Leo kicked the radio. I could see an F1 car up in front of us, parked. Other cars just went around it, blaring their horns and shouting abuse. I could feel something wrong. I was right. The car transformed and prepared for impact.

We're going to die.

Transformers 4 - Final hopeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن