Leo next door

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I felt so stupid. How could I have put on my uniform on a Saturday? Anyway, it's over now. I had escaped the house and was out on my bike in the park. I now had time to think. No wait, what's that noise? “Oi, freak!” Called a short kid across the park. I stopped my bike and looked at him. He was either ten with a lot of guts, or his age and was just extremely short. The kid walked over, he was my age, and short. “What do you want?” I asked, I was used to this kind of abuse. It was to be expected at this age.

Although the kid hadn't said anything else, there was something about him that made my skin crawl. I really wanted to punch this kid. The way he stared at me made me uneasy. We stared at eachother for about ten seconds before something happened. The kid swung for me, I grabbed his arm with my left hand and punched him in the stomach with the other, robotic, hand. The kid flew across the park, screaming, and landed on his back. He got up, thankfully. For a moment there I thought I'd killed him. But he was bleeding, I think. He ran off as I ran to where he hit the floor. I could of sworn I saw the flash of metal on his arm, but he was gone before I could get a look.

What I found at the place where he hit the ground astonished me more. Where I expected there to be flattened grass and blood, I found an imprint of his body and oil. Like, car oil. Petrol, diesel, whatever. But surely this isn't what poured from his arm? It must have been there before, and that was the flash I saw on his arm. Yes, that must have been it. “Whoa, that was cool.” I heard an applauding voice behind me. I spun around to see who said it, but all I saw was my dad's new Chevrolet Beat. How did that get there? There was no way it drove here.

So many questions! I needed answers. But not now. I noticed someone across the park who I didn't want to bump into. My next door neighbour had come home one night with a woman no one had ever seen before, ever. And no one liked her. They had been together for well over three months and were planning on getting married. She had the resemblance of a dog. A shaggy dog. She spent her days with my neighbour who my parents have fallen out with since he got with her. But she spent her nights drinking. We don't know what she drinks though because we wake up every morning to the smell of petrol.

I ran back to my bike, ignoring the car, which at the time I hadn't noticed, but it was gone. I got on my bike and cycled home as fast as I could. The weird thing about that woman was, no one knew her actual name apart from my neighbour, who is called Leo Spitz, by the way. She literally just appeared out of nowhere into his life. Leo called it fate, but we called it money theft. We all thought that she was after his money. For some reason, Leo had a lot of it, and never told us why. He said it was a reward for helping the USA's national security with something top secret. We never believed him. But he does keep giving me looks sometimes, almost like he's scared of me. I don't know why he'd have a reason to be scared of me.

I didn't want to listen to my mum's complaining, but if it kept me away from that dog woman, I'll do it. As I made my way up to the house, I noticed the car was back. Strange, must have been my imagination, where I wanted to get inside the car so much. I saw Leo over the garden fence. “Hi, Leo.” I called to him. He looked at me, then at our new car and freaked out. He fell over and ran back inside, shutting the curtains. Weird. “Hey Adam, nice new car.” I heard a female voice behind me. I turned and saw the dog woman. I turned, ignored her and walked to my house. Yeah, it is a nice car. And you're not getting your paws anywhere near it you bitch.

See what I did there? Paws, bitch, oh never mind.

* * *

I peeked through my curtains. I knew it! They're following me! I helped the autobots once and now they're stalking me! I'm Leo Spitz, by the way. I helped the Autobots many years ago. About 15 years ago. I stopped one of the biggest cover ups in America's history. That's how I had so much money and cool stuff, bribes to keep me quiet. But why are they back now? What had I done?

I jumped when I heard a shuffling behind me. “Whoa! Someone's Jumpy.” I may not have had much success after what happened in Egypt, but I had certainly hit the jackpot with my fiancé. She didn't know anything about the aliens. She was normal. Her name was Jenny Smith, soon to be Jenny Spitz.

I loved the woman. I didn't care what anyone else said, she was mine. No one else will have her. “Nothing dear.” I said, calming myself. I kissed her on the cheek and sat down on the sofa. I turned on the telly and saw the one thing I didn't want to see. “And now, a freak fire broke out at a power station in south Florida today.” The news reporter said. “It was supposed to have exploded earlier today. We managed to get this footage.” He turned in his seat to look at the screen.

On the screen was the fire. That's all it seemed like, just a freak accident. But then he saw it. A yellow Chevrolet Camero driving from the scene. It looked like no one was driving. “Wow, that person was lucky to escape.” Said Jenny, looking at me expectantly, I gulped, “Yeah.” I mumbled. I need help. But I'm not going to rush into anything and look stupid. That's one thing Leo Spitz doesn't do. I stoked Jenny's hair, watching the footage again, this time with the car circled. It was like the Autobots were tormenting him.

* * *

I sat up in my room, doing homework. I wasn't going back outside while she was out there. I was looking at my English homework. Why the hell does Tim Burton have anything to do with my course? I looked at the screen, not taking anything in. I heard rumbling outside. A new car rumbling.

I ran to the window and saw my dad driving the Trax. It was orange. Two cars that never went into mass production, ours! This was anything to make a car enthusiast collapse. I ran outside to meet my dad as he got out the car. He towered over me. But that didn't waver me. “No, Adam.” He said sternly. I ignored him and pushed past him. I sat in the drivers seat. Wow, left hand drive and everything! This car sums up awesome. There was a strange symbol on the wheel though, a sort of face, but it was made of box shapes. It looked cool, but out of place.

This may sound weird and tacky, but I felt an energy from the car. I'd only felt this from the new cars. It was a sort of comforting feeling, like I belonged there. “Adam, out.” My dad demanded. I got out of the car reluctantly. I wanted to slam the door to prove a point, but felt I couldn't, that it would be disrespectful. Stupid really, it's just a car.

I walked into the house, my dad followed me. “You, homework.” My dad said to me. “I don't have any.” I lied, “ I know you do. You always do.”

“Not today.”

“Adam.” He sounded stern, I made my way to my room. It's not fair!

* * *

What do you want? I thought to myself as I walked into the Witwicky's garden. Oh no, there's another one! I recognised them.

I spun around to see if anyone was watching me. No one was there. I looked back at the cars and walked towards them. I held up a light and shone it at the cars. But they weren't there. “Boo.” Came a whisper from behind me. I jumped. “Bloody hell.” I gasped. I turned to see Skids and Mudflap hi five eachother, Mudflap turned to me, “Your still a pussy.”

“What do you want with me?” I asked, that was the only reason I could think of why they're here, where I am. Rather coincidental, right? “You, ha!” Skids laughed. Why were they laughing? “Well, how come your here then? Where I am? Now?” I pleaded with them. Why won't they stop laughing? “We ain't here for you!” Laughed Mudflap, “We're here for Adam.” Skids was crying with laughter. Suddenly there was silence. I dropped my torch and it went out. I looked up at Adams window, oh no.

* * *

I shone my torch out the window at the cars. I could have sworn I heard laughter. No, just Leo kicking our cars. Wait what? I looked at him again. “Leo, what are you doing?” He looked up at me and gasped. He glared at the cars then looked back at me, “Nothing, just looking at your cars, they're pretty cool. Well, night.” He glared at the cars again and walked home. What a weirdo. I closed the window and went back to bed. That woman was infecting his brain, seriously.

Little did I know that, at that moment, an alien race and my father was planning on coming to see me, and an even bigger threat was rising, and he was going to come after me.

Transformers 4 - Final hopeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora