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I know this isn't the best piece of literature in the universe, but it somehow managed to get 5.000 reads, so here's another chapter to satisfy you. This has been the most difficult chapter to actually write, so I'm sorry for any words in the wrong place, but i tend to miss alot if i edit. Happy reading! Don't forget to vote and fan me! I may be distant, but I am having alot of internet related issues, so sorry about that :(

The first thing Sam did then, was wake Carly, and tell her. She, of course, flipped out, wanting to know when and why it happened. Then she woke up everyone else, including the Autobots. “CARLY!” Sam bellowed at her. She stopped in her tracks and stared, blank faced, at her husband. “Please, just shut up for a minute.”

   “Shut up?! Our son has vanished! I don’t know if you’ve realised this, but there’s an armada of Decepticons out looking for him!” Carly shouted back. They argued for what seemed like hours, with everyone watching. It was like a tennis match, watching insults being thrown, and then looking at the other so they can throw another insult. Eventually, Simmons stopped it. “Hey! Kid! Shut up!” They both stopped and glared at Simmons, who didn’t back down. “The more you two argue, the further away he gets. Look, his guardian has gone as well, so maybe they left, and weren’t kidnapped.”

   “The old man has a point.” Lennox said. “Old man? Who are you calling an old man?” Simmons said, wheeling around to face Lennox. “OK, but that doesn’t explain why Bumblebee and Adams foster parents have gone.” Carly countered, drawing Simmons’ attention away from Lennox. “That’s because I sent them away. Bumblebee’s taking them somewhere safe, so they can’t get hurt.”

   “My scanners show Bumblebee is returning.” Ratchet said, walking into the clearing. Sure enough, Bumblebee drove into the clearing and transformed. Sam smiled up at him, and jumped up onto his hand. Bumblebee crouched and lifted Sam up so his feet were roughly level with Carly’s head. “Right, I think I know where they’ve gone!” He called out to everyone. “Washington.” Ratchet confirmed. Sam nodded, grimly. “Galvatron said he wanted Adam at the White House, so I think that’s where they’ve gone. We’re going to have to go after them. If Galvatron gets hold of Adam, this could be the end of the world.”

   “But do you really think we can take him down without Prime?” Landmine asked. “I think we’re going to have to give it a shot. Optimus obviously had a plan, to say to hand over Adam. We’re going to have to find out what the plan is as we go.”

   “Let’s get going then!” Topspin said, transforming next to the wreckers, who immediately drove off. The Autobots and humans looked at Sam. “Well, come on then.” He said. The Autobots all transformed and drove off, with the humans inside. Carly and Sam were in Bumblebee, who played some soothing music. “Not now Bumblebee.” Sam said, whacking the radio. It went quiet.

   In Landmine, Lennox was sending a call out to Vector and Bulkhead, who, within ten minutes, were flying overhead, as they raced down the freeway.


We decided to show up at lunch time. We knew that the others would have noticed by then, but also knew they wouldn’t reach us in time. I never even got to say goodbye. “Are you sure?” Hotshot asked me, as we jumped around the rubble leading up to the half demolished White House. Of course I was sure. I may not want to do this, but if even Optimus Prime thought it was the only way out, then it must be. “Of course I’m sure.” I reassure Hotshot. “Besides, Galvatron rules the planet, he knows we’re here, and he’s known for a while.”

   “How observant of you.” Came his rasping voice. We looked up and Galvatron landed in front of us. Only now did I realise how tall he was. He towered above even Hotshot, who had readied his weapons. “Stand down, soldier.” Galvatron ordered. “It’s strange. Your leader is dead, the planet you love is destroyed, and yet some of you still wish to fight. Restrain him.” Ramjet plummeted from the sky and landed on Hotshot. Hotshot began to struggle, but Ramjet overpowered him and flew off to the back of the White House, carrying Hotshot. “You didn’t have to do that!” I called up to Galvatron. “I know. Now let’s make this quick.” He grabbed me and transformed, flying away to God knows where. Before I could tell what was happening, I was sprayed with some sort of gas, and I collapsed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2012 ⏰

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