Galvatron rises

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OK, here we are. New chapter. This has the most plot stuff in it. Just one or more things before I go and leave you to it. Please vote, comment and become a fan if u want. I've got over 800 reads at the minute and not many fans to share them with (you know what I mean) :D Enjoy.

We were metres away from the Decepticon when Vector Prime swooped in and grabbed the robot. Behind us I could see A yellow Camero catching up behind the NEST cars. I knew my parents were in there before Bumblebee transformed.

My parents obviously didn't because they flew through the air, screaming. My dad screamed like such a little girl! Speaking of little girls, “Will you shut up!” I screamed at Leo, who was sat next to me, looking like he was having a fit, but he was just trying to open the door. I spun back around and saw that all four of my parents were now in the Mini Crossover. Bumblebee was picking up NEST cars, turning them around, putting them down and watching them drive in the other direction for a bit, then turning around and coming back. Eventually, he just turned them over onto their roofs.

Three more NEST cars came at us, but these transformed into Decepticons. Bumblebee transformed into car stealth mode, which I'd never seen before, it looked really cool! The car shot into the Decepticons, killing them almost instantly. One seemed to be stronger, so Bumblebee became robot mode and sliced into It's chest, cutting it in half.

Back in car modes we charged up the highway again. My dads voice came in on a speaker somewhere in the car. “Adam? Leo, can you hear me?” I picked up a microphone and spoke into it. “Yes, we're here. Has Leo always cried like a little girl?”

“Yeah, pretty much. Always wants the action until he gets it.” My dad chuckled. “Hey, I never asked for this! Never. I thought I left this behind when I moved to England.” Leo complained. “Shut it.” My dad spoke into the microphone, “We've sent the coordinates of where we're going into Skids' GPS. We'll meet you there.”

“Where?” I asked. “We're going to see an old friend.” My dad said. I was about to ask who, but I was cut of by the sight of a shadow passing overhead. The F1 Decepticon flew over the car and landed in front of us. It got to it's feet and Skids swerved around it. I could see it was weak, but there was no need for Vector to fly off. I could see him flying away in the distance. The Decepticon saw us and panicked. It transformed and drove away at top speed.

* * *

In a secluded forest somewhere in America, the other Autobots are hiding. Bulkhead flies overhead and transforms. He lands with a thud where the other Autobots are. “No sign of them Optimus.” He said, sitting on the grassy floor. “We must find the boy before NEST does. He cannot get into the hands of the humans or Decepticons.” Optimus said, looking worried. Lennox, being the only human there, looked rather small, but even so... “Um, Optimus? I can round up some old NEST soldiers, get a better armed front.” He called. Optimus nodded, “But, keep a low profile. We cannot afford a loss of life today.”

“OK, come on Sideswipe.” Lennox called over to the silver robot. “Right. Roll out.” He said, transforming in a twirl. Lennox got inside and the car drove away. “I need to check the boys radiation levels.” Ratchet complained, leaning against a tree. “Be patient Ratchet. We will find the boy.”

“And what of the humans? What happens when they realise the power they are disposing of?” Ratchet pointed out. Optimus bowed his head and looked away. “I saw the humans capacity for compassion since we first arrived on this planet. It seems I overestimated it.” Optimus sounded low. “We're gonna kill them?” Leadfoot piped up, looking almost hopeful. “No, Leadfoot. No human will die by our hand.”

“Then what?” Topspin said, “We just let them hunt us down like bloody animals! I don't think so.”

“Yeah, what tall boy said.” Mudflap sounded lonely without his twin. Optimus spun around to face Mudflap. “You're twin.” He said, walking forwards. “What about him?” Mudflap asked. “Where is he most likely to go in these situations?”

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