Now, this is where it gets complicated

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Two years have passed since the robot fell from the sky. Not much has happened in the tow years. My arms back to normal. It took a week, but it's back. I'm 17 now, just. I have my drivers licence. Once again, my arm grew with me. My parents still have the BEAT and the Trax, although I now drive the BEAT. My parents have ordered a Camero for me. It's arriving in a few days. So, that's my life for the two years I've been away. But this is where things go wrong for me. This is the year my life possibly ends or changes forever.

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In the USA. NEST have been busy in the two years. If it wasn't for the sudden incursion of mass Decepticons, Optimus would have forgotten about the boy, Adam Witwicky. This is where everything begins. The master plan of the Decepticons begins at NEST, with Adam Witwicky and his pure Spark.

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“Bumblebee! Take cover!” Called Optimus as he swung for Ransack's head. But, with Ransack being an F1 car, he dodged easily and kicked Optimus' feet, knocking him over. They were fighting on the main streets of New York, as Ransack tried to steal even more information on the worlds governments. Suddenly, as Ransack was about to slice Optimus' head off, an A400M plane flew above and dropped a Camero and a Baja Marine speed boat. As both fell, they transformed into Bumblebee and the female Autobot Thunderblast. They charged at Ransack as he abandoned Optimus, alive and ran at the newly arrived Autobots. Thunderblast ran at Ransack and jumped over his back, shooting him in the back. Ransack fell forwards and landed on his front. He transformed into his black and red F1 car and drove around Bumblebee, as he span, shooting at the car. Ransack then transformed and kicked a dizzy Bumblebee in the stomach, knocking him over. Ransack stood, triumphant, over Bumblebee. He put a gun to the Autobots head, then there was a crash from behind him. Blitzwing had thrown Thunderblast over his head as Blitzwing arrived. Optimus got to his feet and jumped up onto the wall of a building, using the windows as grip. He climbed up and jumped onto Blitzwings head. Blitzwing threw Optimus off. Bumblebee rose and ran to help Optimus. Thunderblast got to her feet and ran to fight Ransack. She slid into his ancles, knocking him over. He smacked his face on the floor, several teeth fell out and rolled across the floor. But he quickly recovered and raged into battle, sword in hand. Optimus charged at Blitzwing, the flame coloured sword from his wrist jumped out and connected with Blitzwings gun. “Bumblebee” Called Optimus, struggling for power with Blitzwing, who's gun was now the blade he used as a wing, “Take the remaining humans to safety.” Optimus commanded. Bumblebee nodded and grabbed three humans who were cowering in a building. He transformed and raced off, avoiding shots from Blitzwing and Ransack. Thunderblast was quick to stop this. She spun over his back again and punched his head.

This infuriated Ransack. He jumped into the air and slammed his fist into the floor, sending a shock wave through the road and knocking Thunderblast off her feet. He charged at her and his fist was about to make contact with her face when someone grabbed him from behind. Bulkhead threw Ransack into the air, where he flew higher that the Empire States building. Bulkhead readied his cannonball hand to smash Ransack, but Blitzwing saw what was happening and quickly transformed and flew to Ransack, who landed on Blitzwing's back as they flew towards the sky. Optimus walked towards Bulkhead and patted his arm, “It's good to have you here Bulkhead.” He said. But Bulkhead looked upset. “What is it, Bulkhead?” Asked Optimus. “It's been months since I've had the chance to destroy a Decepticon, and the one chance I get, he gets away.”

“Do not worry, brother, your time will come. The Decepticons are planning something, and then you will have your chance.” Optimus reassured him. “Optimus look!” Called Thunderblast, pointing down the street. An army of Decepticons was heading their way. Planes, cars, trucks. There was a large variety of about 100 Decepticons.

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