Chapter 1

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Rachel said goodbye to her roommate Chloe as she left their new house in Glendale, California. They had college classes on opposite days, and today was Rachel's turn to go to school. The roommates had a lot in common, too. They both had an interest in fashion, they preferred tea over coffee, and they both loved Game Grumps. Unlike Chloe, who was a Dan girl at heart, Rachel was head over heels for Barry. His scruffy beard, his beautiful blue eyes, his kind and charming personality..

Rachel's thoughts were cut short, however, as the bus to her college came to a halt in front of her. She quickly walked up the steps and towards the back of the bus, where she spotted her other friends. "Hey, Red. Did you finish your essay?" Danielle asked her, referring to her by her nickname. "Yeah, I finished it the day it was due." She replied. The group chatted away until they finally reached their college. They all said their goodbyes and see you laters and broke off, each heading to their own separate classes.


Rachel waited for the bus to come to her stop in the dark, cold night. It was around 10 PM, around normal time for her classes to end. She only had a cardigan to keep her warm, but it wasn't that big of a help. She imagined Barry hugging her for warmth, lightly swaying from side to side. She heard the bus engine squeak in front of her, and she got onto the warm bus, breaking from her thoughts.

It was a short ride, as the music on Red's phone threw away the time. She got off the bus and walked down the sidewalk to her house. Chloe had texted her earlier that she would be out, so she had the house to herself.

Well, almost.

Rachel searched her purse for her keys, only to realize that she never picked them up in the first place, and they were still on her bedside table. She could feel the temperature drop as she hissed a "shit" under her breath and walked back down the front steps and sat on the first step, thinking of things to do. She looked up the store hours of the nearest locksmith, and sighed in disappointment as she read the closing time: 8:30 PM. She rested her chin in her hands and waited for Chloe to get back, since it was the only thing she could do. As she waited for the time to pass, a car drove up into the driveway across from her. Two men got out of the car, one quite taller than the other. The shorter one looked over at Red, then said something to the other one. The tall male opened the door and walked into their house, while the other one jogged across the street towards her. Rachel, still immersed in her phone, didn't even notice the man until he was knelt down in front of her. "Hi, I'm Barry. I saw you sitting here and I assume you locked yourself out. Do you want to stay with us for the night until you can contact someone?"

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